I want to change the initial column which origin place the imported data.
I have a set of data with the same amount of columns and rows. I wrote the values at the first column and I want origin to place the imported data starting at the second column.
Right now, it is always overwriting the first column, which I want to keep it.
This is probably really simple but I was not able to find a good solution using the import wizard.
-Select the worksheet you want to import to -At the top of Origin go to Data>Import from File>Single ASCII -If you don't see a Single ASCII option, you have to go to Import from File>Add/Remove File Types to add it to your menu. -Select your import data make sure the Show Options Dialog is checked, hit OK. -Under the Import Options menu there is 1st File Import Mode, select Start New Columns.
Your data should import without overwriting existing columns.