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 Importing file with variable number of header line
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Posted - 08/22/2023 :  04:09:00 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2022b (64-bit). (Academic)
Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit

I am trying to create a filter to import some ASCII files using the Import Wizard. I want to create a custom filter, since this is a routine procedure I need to do over an over again. The file consists in a variable number of header lines, 2 subheader lines (containing the name and units of columns), and the data in columns separated by tabs. This is an example of the file structure:

TITLE LABEL Potentiostatic Scan Test Identifier
DATE LABEL 19/6/2023 Date
TIME LABEL 9:25:29 Time
NOTES NOTES 7 Notes...
Bla, bla, bla
Na2SO4 0.5 M pH~7
Some notes of the experiment (The number of note lines is variable)
PSTAT PSTAT Potentiostat
[...several other similar lines here]
Pt T Vf Im Vu Sig Ach IERange Over Temp
# s V vs. Ref. A V V V # bits deg C
0 5 -8,98284E-001 -3,75390E-001 0,00000E+000 -9,00000E-001 8,42111E-004 11 ........... -327,66
1 10 -8,98954E-001 -4,32104E-001 0,00000E+000 -9,00000E-001 7,64354E-004 11 ........... -327,66
2 15 -8,98949E-001 -4,44809E-001 0,00000E+000 -9,00000E-001 8,42484E-004 11 ........... -327,66
3 20 -8,98950E-001 -4,44643E-001 0,00000E+000 -9,00000E-001 7,57347E-004 11 ........... -327,66

The problem is that the "automatic header detection" fails to identify the header lines. Each header line start with a different character, so the option of identifying headers "By leading character" is not valid; but the last one starts always with "CURVE", so it should be easily identified.

In summary, what I need Origin to do is:
- Find the line starting with "CURVE"
- Set this and all previous lines as "Header"
- Set the next line as "Long name"
- Set the next line as "Unit"
- Import the data in columns separated by TAB

Any way to do it without programming a script (which is something I am unfortunatelly unable to do)? The idea of finding the end of headers looking for specific character(s) seems quite useful and simple to implement if not available yet.



1618 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2023 :  08:44:56 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You could use data connector (menu Data:Connect to File:Text/CSV). Then choose the file and use the settings below:

To connect to multiple files, you could choose menu Data:Connect Multiple Files...

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