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 2023b: Optimization Solver failed
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1205 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2023 :  07:21:18 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
OriginPro 2023b (64-bit) SR1
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 10.0.19045.3570


I am trying to optimize the slope and the offset parameters to perfectly align two peaks (Y1 and Y2) using Optimization Solver app, but getting the following error:

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.


Sam Fang

293 Posts

Posted - 11/15/2023 :  04:16:51 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Andrey,

It may be caused by your poor initial values.

I used initial values: slope=2, offset=0, and chose the third method. It can give a solution:

BTW in column F, you should set its nrows=2 (right click cell F2, and select Set as End). And you'd better set Recalculate to None. It can avoid refresh and the app can force it to recalculate.

Originally posted by AKazak

I am trying to optimize the slope and the offset parameters to perfectly align two peaks (Y1 and Y2) using Optimization Solver app, but getting the following error:

OriginLab Technical Services
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1205 Posts

Posted - 11/15/2023 :  06:39:25 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Sam Fang

Hi Andrey,

It may be caused by your poor initial values.

I used initial values: slope=2, offset=0, and chose the third method. It can give a solution:

BTW in column F, you should set its nrows=2 (right click cell F2, and select Set as End). And you'd better set Recalculate to None. It can avoid refresh and the app can force it to recalculate.

Originally posted by AKazak

I am trying to optimize the slope and the offset parameters to perfectly align two peaks (Y1 and Y2) using Optimization Solver app, but getting the following error:

OriginLab Technical Services

Dear Sam,

The issue is still there.
The answer you've got:

Is far from the correct one since the real Offset is about -22,000 and the Slope is about 1.
Just plot AB versus KL and you will see.

Do you have any idea on improving convergence and accuracy of optimization?

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1205 Posts

Posted - 11/15/2023 :  06:43:50 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
It is worth stating, that does fast and accurate Offset search, but does not target slope at all.

What functions does Correlation Shift function uses to align the signals?

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Sam Fang

293 Posts

Posted - 11/15/2023 :  10:28:57 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Andrey,

Your columns K and L transformed columns C and D to fit columns A and B. However, your objective function in cell J1 used columns A, B to fit columns C, D.

So you should use slope=1, offset=22,000 instead of -22,000.

I tested results using the app:
slope=1, offset=22,000 RSS=2.21181E9
slope=2.18497, offset=0.06992 RSS=3.95274E9

From the RSS result, slope=1, offset=22,000 is better.

I used initial values of slope=1, offset=22,000, and the third method, it gives a solution:
slope=1.00314, offset=21999.87106, and RSS=2.20177E9

So for your function, it seems that it is sensitive to initial values. If initial values are not too bad, it can always converge and find a local solution.

For Correlation Shift app, it was created by a customer.

Dynamic Time Warping app can also align two signals, you can try it.

Originally posted by AKazak
The issue is still there.
The answer you've got:

Is far from the correct one since the real Offset is about -22,000 and the Slope is about 1.
Just plot AB versus KL and you will see.

Do you have any idea on improving convergence and accuracy of optimization?

OriginLab Technical Services
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1205 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2023 :  06:47:42 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Sam Fang

Hi Andrey,

Your columns K and L transformed columns C and D to fit columns A and B. However, your objective function in cell J1 used columns A, B to fit columns C, D.

So you should use slope=1, offset=22,000 instead of -22,000.

I tested results using the app:
slope=1, offset=22,000 RSS=2.21181E9
slope=2.18497, offset=0.06992 RSS=3.95274E9

From the RSS result, slope=1, offset=22,000 is better.

OriginLab Technical Services

Got it.
I will take more care about the initial values.

Can you suggest the proper ways to perform the optimization without using app, that is as a formula or via Set Values dialog, please?
Perhaps using a Python library?...

Originally posted by Sam Fang
Dynamic Time Warping app can also align two signals, you can try it.

OriginLab Technical Services

I have tried Dynamic Time Warping app with the current dataset and got
Dynamic Time Warping: Success!!

in the Log, but columns H, I and J (actual results) are still missing.

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Sam Fang

293 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2023 :  11:05:56 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Andrey,

I converted your function to Python script. It creates a similar result.

from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np

import originpro as op

def fRSS(p):
    wks = op.find_sheet()
    x1 = np.array( wks.to_list(0) )
    y1 = np.array( wks.to_list(1) )
    x2 = np.array( wks.to_list(2) )
    y2 = np.array( wks.to_list(3) )
    x1b = p[0]*x1 + p[1]
    lb = max( min(x1b), min(x2) )
    ub = min( max(x1b), max(x2) )
    n = 1000
    xn = np.linspace(lb, ub, n)
    y1n = np.interp(xn, x1b, y1)
    y2n = np.interp(xn, x2, y2)
    return np.sum( (y1n -y2n)**2 )/n
def opt_min():
    wks = op.find_sheet()
    x0 = np.array( wks.to_list('F') )
    res = minimize(fRSS, x0, method='nelder-mead',options={'xatol': 1e-8, 'disp': True})
    return res.x

In column G, set:

Initial values in column F, set slope=1, offset=22000, and the result is:
slope=1.10095, offset=20184.41058, RSS=2.16494E9

You can also try other methods in Python.

Originally posted by AKazak
Can you suggest the proper ways to perform the optimization without using app, that is as a formula or via Set Values dialog, please?
Perhaps using a Python library?...

OriginLab Technical Services
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1205 Posts

Posted - 11/17/2023 :  12:34:20 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Dear Sam,

Thank you for sharing the snippet.
I will try adapting the code to my case.

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