Hello everyone, I am trying to import data from a .sav (SPSS) file into Origin. I have found several articles stating to just add .sav files to the data import menu in Origin via "Data -> Import from File -> Add/Remove File Types". However, it doesn't list SPSS files there. Am I missing something? I would be very thankful if someone could help me there.
During installation, we don't have SPSS Import checked by default. So user needs to check it during import to include it in Origin.
Please run the Repair or Uninstall Origin. . This time choose Modify option. When it prompts to change Serial number, choose No. Then on the next page, check SPSS Import.
Then in Origin, u will need to choose Data: Import from File: Add/Remove Files Types. Move it from left to right to make it show under the Import from Files submenu.