Hi everyone,
I'm asking for help since I can't find a solution online.
Here I want to apply a formula to the column to have the auto-calculation of the values. The problem is that if I do it with the column number when new columns are inserted in between the calculation, it will not point to the right column anymore, whereas if you use the column letter, the letter in the formula row will be updated.
Here is a snippet of my code:
int a = 144;
int b = wks.ncols;
loop(ii, 1, 16){
wcol(b+ii)[L]$ = "Voltage Variation";
wcol(b+ii)[U]$ = wcol(a+ii)[U]$;
wcol(b+ii)[C]$ = wcol(a+ii)[C]$;
wcol(b+ii)[O]$ = "col($(a+ii))-col($(a+ii))[1]";
Does anyone know of a method to translate the column number to the column letter?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.