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 ColorMap of a Heatmap
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14 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2024 :  1:29:59 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
I want to change the title of a ColorMap in an Heatmap plot. From the following Tree i located the two nodes with the title of the colormap. The title is for this example "Bla".

| +---Legend
| | +---Type = 0
| | \---AutoUpdateLegend = 0
| +---MatchBy = 0
| +---MatchUDL =
| +---BreakSymbol = 0
| \---BreakBorder = 0
| +---Dimension
| | +---Left = 16,6
| | +---Top = 10
| | +---Right = 12,4
| | \---Bottom = 15,2
| +---Border
| | +---Color = -4
| | +---Style = 0
| | \---Width = 0
| +---Fill
| | +---Pattern
| | | +---Style = 0
| | | +---PatternColor = 0
| | | \---Width = 0
| | \---Color = -4
| +---Shadow
| | \---Style = 0
| +---Color = -4
| +---ShadingMode = 0
| \---LayerBkColor1Trans = 0
| +---Units = 0
| +---Left = 13,99
| +---Top = 11,33
| +---Width = 57,21
| +---Height = 71,81
| +---Isometric = 0
| +---AxisLengthLinkRatio = 1
| \---ResizeParent = 0
| +---ShowFrame = 0
| +---ShowData = 1
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| +---ShowAxisX = 1
| +---ShowAxisY = 1
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| +---ClipVertPercent = 0
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| +---ExchangeXY = 0
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| +---SkewStart = 0
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| +---Worksheet = 1
| +---Max = 10000
| +---Matrix = 1
| +---XMax = 100
| \---YMax = 100
| +---Offset = 0
| +---KeepProportionRange = 0
| +---DisplaySortedOrder = 0
| +---DisplaySortedAsc = 0
| +---ShowOverlap = 0
| +---UsingSubgroupingForCumulative = 0
| +---UsingSubgroupingForAuto = 0
| +---StackOffset = 0
| +---ConnectBar = 0
| +---BarTotalLabel = 0
| +---BarTotalLabelOffset = 10
| \---RepeatAddLine = 0
| +---XSize = 0
| +---XColIndices =
| +---XColNames =
| +---XOverlap = 0
| +---XGap = 0
| +---XAlternate = 0
| +---XRepeat = 0
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| +---YColIndices =
| +---YColNames =
| +---YOverlap = 0
| +---YGap = 0
| +---YAlternate = 0
| +---YRepeat = 0
| \---WrapSize = 0
| +---X
| | +---Additional
| | | +---ZeroLine = 0
| | | +---OppositeLine = 1
| | | \---LineValue = 0
| | +---Scale
| | | +---Type = 0
| | | +---LinThresh = 0
| | | +---LinLength = 1
| | | +---From = 0.5
| | | +---To = 10,5
| | | +---Rescale = 1
| | | +---IncrementBy = 0
| | | +---Value = 1
| | | +---MajorTicksCount = 6
| | | +---MinorTicksCount = 0
| | | +---FirstTickPosition =
| | | +---RescaleMargin = 8
| | | +---RescaleMarginForMax = --
| | | +---MajorTicksFromDataset =
| | | +---MinorTicksFromDataset =
| | | +---MajorTicksDataParam = -1
| | | \---MinorTicksDataParam = -1
| | +---Ticks
| | | +---BottomTicks
| | | | +---Arrow
| | | | | +---Begin
| | | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | | +---Width = 10
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| | | | | \---End
| | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | +---Width = 10
| | | | | +---Length = 10
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| | | | +---MinorColor = -9
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| | | \---TopTicks
| | | +---Arrow
| | | | +---Begin
| | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | +---Width = 10
| | | | | +---Length = 10
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| | | | \---End
| | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | +---Width = 10
| | | | +---Length = 10
| | | | \---Extra = 0
| | | +---Show = 0
| | | +---LineShow = 1
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| | | +---Style = 0
| | | +---Width = 1.5
| | | +---Length = 8
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| | | +---Minor = 1
| | | +---Major = 1
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| | | +---MinorColor = -9
| | | +---TicksWidth = --
| | | +---MinorWidth = --
| | | +---Position = 0
| | | \---Offset = 0
| | +---Grids
| | | +---VerticalMinorGrids
| | | | +---Show = 0
| | | | +---Color = 18
| | | | +---Style = 1
| | | | +---Width = 0,3
| | | | \---MinorGridLevel = 0
| | | \---VerticalMajorGrids
| | | +---Show = 0
| | | +---Color = 19
| | | +---Style = 0
| | | \---Width = 0.5
| | +---Labels
| | | +---BottomLabels
| | | | +---Font
| | | | | +---Face = 0
| | | | | +---Size = 18
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| | | | | \---WhiteOut = 0
| | | | +---Show = 1
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| | | | +---FillColor = -4
| | | | +---SNPower = 0
| | | | +---SNPos = 0
| | | | +---SNXOffset = 0
| | | | +---SNYOffset = 0
| | | | +---DivideByFactor =
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| | | | +---Suffix =
| | | | +---TrimOne = 0
| | | | +---Type = 0
| | | | +---NumericFormat = 0
| | | | +---CustomDecimal = 0
| | | | +---Angle = 90
| | | | +---Direction = 0
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| | | | +---WrapWidth = 50
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| | | | +---LineSpace = --
| | | | +---XOffset = 0
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| | | | +---Formula =
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| | | | +---LabelsStayWithAxis = 1
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| | | \---TopLabels
| | | +---Font
| | | | +---Face = 0
| | | | +---Size = 18
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| | | | \---WhiteOut = 0
| | | +---Show = 0
| | | +---Color = -9
| | | +---FillColor = -4
| | | +---SNPower = 0
| | | +---SNPos = 0
| | | +---SNXOffset = 0
| | | +---SNYOffset = 0
| | | +---DivideByFactor =
| | | +---Prefix =
| | | +---Suffix =
| | | +---TrimOne = 0
| | | +---Type = 0
| | | +---NumericFormat = 0
| | | +---CustomDecimal = 0
| | | +---Angle = 0
| | | +---Direction = 0
| | | +---AutoHideOverlappedLabels = 0
| | | +---Wrap = 0
| | | +---WrapWidth = 50
| | | +---WrapChars = 0
| | | +---MultiLinesAlign = 0
| | | +---LineSpace = --
| | | +---XOffset = 0
| | | +---YOffset = 0
| | | +---Formula =
| | | +---TickToLabel = 0
| | | +---TickLabelAlign = 0
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| | | +---ShowMinor = 0
| | | +---FontScaler = 100
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| | | +---ShowMinus = 1
| | | +---MinorFormat =
| | | +---LevelCount = 0
| | | +---MergeLabels = 1
| | | +---Table = 0
| | | +---ShowTableTitle = 0
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| | | +---BottomTitle
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| | | | | \---AttachedAxis = -1
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| | | | | | +---Color = -4
| | | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | | \---Width = 0
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| | | | | +---Pattern
| | | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | | +---PatternColor = 0
| | | | | | \---Width = 0
| | | | | \---Color = -4
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| | | +---Dimension
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| | | | +---Face = 0
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| | | | \---Size = 22
| | | +---Misc
| | | | \---AttachedAxis = -1
| | | +---Background
| | | | +---Dimension
| | | | | +---Unit = 1
| | | | | +---Left = 12,4
| | | | | +---Top = 12,4
| | | | | +---Right = 12,4
| | | | | \---Bottom = 12,4
| | | | +---Shadow
| | | | | \---Style = 0
| | | | +---Border
| | | | | +---Color = -4
| | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | \---Width = 0
| | | | \---Fill
| | | | +---Pattern
| | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | +---PatternColor = 0
| | | | | \---Width = 0
| | | | \---Color = -4
| | | +---Show = 0
| | | +---Color = 0
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| | | +---Angle = 0
| | | +---Text = %(?X)
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| | +---Rugs
| | | +---BottomRug
| | | | +---Layout
| | | | | +---Size = 8
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| | | | +---Data = <All>
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| | | +---Layout
| | | | +---Size = 8
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| | | | +---Gap = 10
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| | | \---Breaks1
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| | | \---SpecialCount = 0
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| | | \---RefLines1
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| | +---Prefer2ndPlane = 0
| | \---AutoHide = 1
| \---Y
| +---Additional
| | +---ZeroLine = 0
| | +---OppositeLine = 1
| | \---LineValue = 0
| +---Scale
| | +---Type = 0
| | +---LinThresh = 0
| | +---LinLength = 1
| | +---From = 0.5
| | +---To = 10,5
| | +---Rescale = 1
| | +---IncrementBy = 0
| | +---Value = 2
| | +---MajorTicksCount = 48
| | +---MinorTicksCount = 0
| | +---FirstTickPosition =
| | +---RescaleMargin = 8
| | +---RescaleMarginForMax = --
| | +---MajorTicksFromDataset =
| | +---MinorTicksFromDataset =
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| +---Ticks
| | +---LeftTicks
| | | +---Arrow
| | | | +---Begin
| | | | | +---Style = 0
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| | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | +---Width = 10
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| | | +---TicksWidth = --
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| | | \---Offset = 0
| | \---RightTicks
| | +---Arrow
| | | +---Begin
| | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | +---Width = 10
| | | | +---Length = 10
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| | | \---End
| | | +---Style = 0
| | | +---Width = 10
| | | +---Length = 10
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| | +---Style = 0
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| | +---Length = 8
| | +---MinorLength = --
| | +---Minor = 1
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| | +---MinorColor = -9
| | +---TicksWidth = --
| | +---MinorWidth = --
| | +---Position = 0
| | \---Offset = 0
| +---Grids
| | +---HorizontalMinorGrids
| | | +---Show = 0
| | | +---Color = 18
| | | +---Style = 1
| | | +---Width = 0,3
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| | +---Show = 0
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| | \---Width = 0.5
| +---Labels
| | +---LeftLabels
| | | +---Font
| | | | +---Face = 0
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| | | +---Show = 1
| | | +---Color = -9
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| | | +---SNPos = 0
| | | +---SNXOffset = 0
| | | +---SNYOffset = 0
| | | +---DivideByFactor =
| | | +---Prefix =
| | | +---Suffix =
| | | +---TrimOne = 0
| | | +---Type = 0
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| | | +---CustomDecimal = 0
| | | +---Angle = 0
| | | +---Direction = 0
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| | | +---WrapChars = 0
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| | | +---XOffset = 0
| | | +---YOffset = 0
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| | | +---TickToLabel = 0
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| | | +---ShowMinus = 1
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| | | +---LevelCount = 0
| | | +---MergeLabels = 1
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| | | +---TableMargin = 20
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| | | +---TickLabelsIndices =
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| | +---Font
| | | +---Face = 0
| | | +---Size = 18
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| | | \---WhiteOut = 0
| | +---Show = 0
| | +---Color = -9
| | +---FillColor = -4
| | +---SNPower = 0
| | +---SNPos = 0
| | +---SNXOffset = 0
| | +---SNYOffset = 0
| | +---DivideByFactor =
| | +---Prefix =
| | +---Suffix =
| | +---TrimOne = 0
| | +---Type = 0
| | +---NumericFormat = 0
| | +---CustomDecimal = 0
| | +---Angle = 0
| | +---Direction = 0
| | +---AutoHideOverlappedLabels = 0
| | +---Wrap = 0
| | +---WrapWidth = 50
| | +---WrapChars = 0
| | +---MultiLinesAlign = 0
| | +---LineSpace = --
| | +---XOffset = 0
| | +---YOffset = 0
| | +---Formula =
| | +---TickToLabel = 0
| | +---TickLabelAlign = 0
| | +---LabelsStayWithAxis = 1
| | +---ShowMinor = 0
| | +---FontScaler = 100
| | +---MajorOffset = 0
| | +---MinorOnMajor = 0
| | +---ShowPlus = 0
| | +---ShowMinus = 1
| | +---MinorFormat =
| | +---LevelCount = 0
| | +---MergeLabels = 1
| | +---Table = 0
| | +---ShowTableTitle = 0
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| +---Titles
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| | | +---Dimension
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| | | | +---Horizontal = 1
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| | | | +---Face = 0
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| | | | \---Size = 22
| | | +---Misc
| | | | \---AttachedAxis = -1
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| | | | | +---Unit = 1
| | | | | +---Left = 0
| | | | | +---Top = 0
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| | | | +---Shadow
| | | | | \---Style = 0
| | | | +---Border
| | | | | +---Color = -4
| | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | \---Width = 0
| | | | \---Fill
| | | | +---Pattern
| | | | | +---Style = 0
| | | | | +---PatternColor = 0
| | | | | \---Width = 0
| | | | \---Color = -4
| | | +---Show = 1
| | | +---Color = 0
| | | +---AutoRotation = 0
| | | +---Angle = 90
| | | +---Text = %(?Y)
| | | +---TextVerbatim = 0
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| | \---AttachedAxis = -1
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| | +---DimAxis1
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| | \---DimAxis2
| | +---Scale
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| | | +---To = 0,119
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| | | +---MajorTicksDataParam = -1
| | | \---MinorTicksDataParam = -1
| | +---NewAxes
| | | +---NewAxis1
| | | | +---Line
| | | | | +---Show = 1
| | | | | +---Color = 0
| | | | | \---Width = 1
| | | | +---Ticks
| | | | | +---MajorTicks
| | | | | | +---Type = 2
| | | | | | \---Length = 8
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| | | | | +---Type = 2
| | | | | \---Length = --
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| | | | | \---MajorLabels
| | | | | +---Font
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| | | | | | +---Size = 12
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| | | | | | \---WhiteOut = 0
| | | | | +---ShowEx = 1
| | | | | +---Show = 1
| | | | | +---Color = 0
| | | | | +---FillColor = -4
| | | | | +---DivideByFactor =
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| | | | | +---Suffix =
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| | | | | +---Type = 0
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| | | | | +---XOffset = 0
| | | | | +---YOffset = 30
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| | | | | +---TickLabelAlign = 0
| | | | | +---LabelsStayWithAxis = 1
| | | | | +---ShowPlus = 0
| | | | | +---ShowMinus = 1
| | | | | +---SuppressOverlap = 0
| | | | | +---SuppressOverlapGap = 0
| | | | | +---LeaderLineTickPercent = --
| | | | | +---LeaderLineLabelPercent = --
| | | | | +---LeaderLineConnectTo = 0
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| | | | | +---LeaderLineWidth = 0.5
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| | | | | +---LeaderLineGapTickPercent = 0
| | | | | +---LeaderLineGapLabelPercent = 0
| | | | | +---MergeLabels = 1
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| | | | | +---TableDesign = 1807
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| | | | | \---ShowDateFor1stOneInDay = 0
| | | | +---Title
| | | | | +---Dimension
| | | | | | +---XOffset = 0
| | | | | | \---YOffset = 0
| | | | | +---Font
| | | | | | +---Face = 0
| | | | | | +---Size = 22
| | | | | | +---Bold = 0
| | | | | | +---Italic = 0
| | | | | | \---Underline = 0
| | | | | +---Show = 1
| | | | | +---Color = 0
| | | | | +---Angle = --
| | | | | \---Text = Bla
| | | | +---Specials
| | | | | \---SpecialCount = 0
| | | | \---RefLines
| | | | +---Dataset =
| | | | +---LabelSet =
| | | | +---AlternateFill = 0
| | | | +---IncludeBegEnd = 0
| | | | \---Count = 0
| | | \---NewAxis2
| | | +---Line
| | | | +---Show = 0
| | | | +---Color = 0
| | | | \---Width = 1
| | | +---Ticks
| | | | +---MajorTicks
| | | | | +---Type = 1
| | | | | \---Length = 8
| | | | \---MinorTicks
| | | | +---Type = 1
| | | | \---Length = --
| | | +---Labels
| | | | \---MajorLabels
| | | | +---Font
| | | | | +---Face = 0
| | | | | +---Size = 12
| | | | | +---Bold = 0
| | | | | +---Italic = 0
| | | | | +---Underline = 0
| | | | | \---WhiteOut = 0
| | | | +---ShowEx = 0
| | | | +---Show = 0
| | | | +---Color = 0
| | | | +---FillColor = -4
| | | | +---DivideByFactor =
| | | | +---Prefix =
| | | | +---Suffix =
| | | | +---TrimOne = 0
| | | | +---NormalizePeriod = 0
| | | | +---DspUnit = 255
| | | | +---Type = 0
| | | | +---NumericFormat = 5
| | | | +---CustomFormat = *4
| | | | +---Angle = 0
| | | | +---Direction = 0
| | | | +---AutoHideOverlappedLabels = 0
| | | | +---Wrap = 0
| | | | +---WrapWidth = 20
| | | | +---WrapChars = 0
| | | | +---LineSpace = --
| | | | +---XOffset = 0
| | | | +---YOffset = 30
| | | | +---Formula =
| | | | +---TickToLabel = 0
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| | | | +---LabelsStayWithAxis = 1
| | | | +---ShowPlus = 0
| | | | +---ShowMinus = 1
| | | | +---SuppressOverlap = 0
| | | | +---SuppressOverlapGap = 0
| | | | +---LeaderLineTickPercent = --
| | | | +---LeaderLineLabelPercent = --
| | | | +---LeaderLineConnectTo = 0
| | | | +---LeaderLineColor = -9
| | | | +---LeaderLineWidth = 0.5
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| | | | +---LeaderLineGapTickPercent = 0
| | | | +---LeaderLineGapLabelPercent = 0
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| | | | +---Table = 0
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| | | | +---RangeLabel = 0
| | | | \---ShowDateFor1stOneInDay = 0
| | | +---Title
| | | | +---Dimension
| | | | | +---XOffset = 0
| | | | | \---YOffset = 0
| | | | +---Font
| | | | | +---Face = 0
| | | | | +---Size = 22
| | | | | +---Bold = 0
| | | | | +---Italic = 0
| | | | | \---Underline = 0
| | | | +---Show = 1
| | | | +---Color = 0
| | | | +---Angle = --
| | | | \---Text = Bla
| | | \---Specials
| | | \---SpecialCount = 0
| | \---Reverse = 1
| +---BehindData = 0
| +---Event = 0
| +---Script =
| +---SelectEffect = 1
| +---DBClick = 1
| +---NoHint = 0
| +---Clip = 0
| \---FillOnlyAlpha = 0
| \---Heatmap1
| +---Misc
| | +---MatchBy = 0
| | \---MatchUDL =
| +---ColorMap
| | +---Details
| | | +---Levels = 8:{0, 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75, 87.5}
| | | +---Colors = 8:{33488896, 33507400, 33526418, 33544922, 31120127, 26383103, 21514495, 16777471}
| | | +---MissingOperator = 0
| | | +---MissingValue = -9999
| | | +---MissingColor = 16777343
| | | +---BelowColor = 16777216
| | | +---AboveValue = 100
| | | \---AboveColor = 33554431
| | +---Min = 0,017
| | +---Max = 0,119
| | +---RescaleMode = 1
| | +---ScaleType = 0
| | +---SetLevel = 0
| | +---FirstLevel = --
| | +---MajorLevels = 8
| | +---MinorLevels = 0
| | +---Increment = 0,01275
| | +---LinkToPal = 0
| | +---FlipPal = 0
| | +---StretchPal = 1
| | +---Palette = Thermometer.pal
| | +---MajorLabels = 0
| | +---MajorLines = 0
| | +---MixingColors = 0
| | +---ThreeColors = 0
| | +---ShowDataPoints = 0
| | \---ShowGridLines = 0
| +---Label
| | +---Enable = 0
| | +---AutoOffset = 0
| | +---XOffset = 0
| | +---YOffset = 0
| | +---Face = 0
| | +---Color = 0
| | +---ColorListValues =
| | +---Size = 22
| | +---WhiteOut = 0
| | +---Bold = 0
| | +---Italic = 0
| | +---Underline = 0
| | +---Rotate = 0
| | +---Form3D = 0
| | +---FormatString =
| | +---PosColumn = 0
| | +---FrameType = 0
| | +---FrameMargin = 10
| | +---FrameBorderColor = 0
| | +---FrameFillColor = -4
| | +---LeaderLineGapToData = 0
| | \---LeaderLineGapToLabel = 0
| +---Annotations =
| +---Points =
| +---FillDispl = 1
| +---LabelDispl = 0
| +---XGap = 0
| \---YGap = 0
| \---Label1
| +---Alignment
| | +---Horizontal = 0
| | \---Vertical = 0
| +---Font
| | +---Face = 0
| | +---AutoFace = 0
| | \---Size = 22
| +---Misc
| | \---AttachedAxis = -1
| +---Dimension
| | +---Units = 5
| | +---Attachment = 2
| | +---Left = 5,0135869565217
| | +---Top = 11,376944837341
| | +---PosX = 5,0135869565217
| | +---PosY = 11,376944837341
| | +---PosAlignment = 1
| | +---AnchorOnTextFrame = 1
| | \---EnablePos = 0
| +---Background
| | +---Dimension
| | | +---Unit = 1
| | | +---Left = 12,4
| | | +---Top = 12,4
| | | +---Right = 12,4
| | | \---Bottom = 12,4
| | +---Shadow
| | | \---Style = 0
| | +---Border
| | | +---Color = -4
| | | +---Style = 0
| | | \---Width = 0
| | \---Fill
| | +---Pattern
| | | +---Style = 0
| | | +---PatternColor = 0
| | | \---Width = 0
| | \---Color = -4
| +---Show = 1
| +---Color = 0
| +---Angle = 0
| +---Text = Test
| +---TextVerbatim = 0
| +---LinkToVars = 0
| +---SysFont = 0
| +---TextWhiteOut = 0
| +---LineSpaceAuto = 1
| +---LineSpace = 0
| +---TabWidth = 8
| +---MultiColAutoAlign = 1
| +---Wrap = 0
| +---BehindData = 0
| +---KeepInside = 0
| +---States = 0
| +---Event = 0
| +---Script =
| +---RevVideo = 0
| +---SelectEffect = 1
| +---DBClick = 1
| +---Transparency = 0
| +---NoHint = 0
| +---Clip = 0
| \---FillOnlyAlpha = 0
| +---Units = 3
| +---Attachment = 0
| +---Left = -15
| +---Top = 26
| +---Width = 2
| \---Height = 2
| \---Dimension
| +---Left = 12,4
| +---Top = 12,4
| +---Right = 12,4
| \---Bottom = 12,4
| \---AttachedAxis = -1
+---Show = 1
+---BorderStyle = 0
+---BehindData = 0
+---KeepInside = 0
+---States = 0
+---Event = 0
+---Script =
+---RevVideo = 0
+---SelectEffect = 1
+---DBClick = 1
+---KeepAspectRatio = 0
+---Transparency = 0
+---NoHint = 0
+---Clip = 0
\---FillOnlyAlpha = 0

I tried to edit this nodes like this:
Tree tr;
tr.Spectrums.Spectrum1.DimAxes.DimAxis2.NewAxes.NewAxis2.Title.Text = "Balbla";
tr.Spectrums.Spectrum1.DimAxes.DimAxis2.NewAxes.NewAxis1.Title.Text = "Blabla";

if( 0 == gl.UpdateThemeIDs(tr.Root) )
gl.ApplyFormat(tr, true, true);

But it doesnt work. Did i make a mistake or is there another way to change the title of the colormap with OriginC.

Thanks in advacne


1638 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2024 :  2:28:52 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Try this line instead:
gl.LT_execute("SPECTRUM1.Title$ = \"Balbla\";");

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