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 subheader problem with transposed ASCII import
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Posted - 03/20/2025 :  07:02:41 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2020 (64-bit) SR1
Operating System: Widows 10

Hello Everyone,

right now I am trying to import a .txt file into origin. However, I need to transpose the read in data and this works fine.

THe problem is, that the 2 subheader lines, which I want to have in my sheet as a longname and a unit, are not importet correct. I only see two of the n names and units. The .txt structure I want to import is as follows.

Delay time Loop_1 Loop_2 Avarage
mm ps V V V
64.000 64.050 64.100 64.150 64.200 64.250 64.300 64.350 64.400 64.450 64.500 64.550 64.600 64.650 64.700 64.750 64.800 64.850 64.900 64.950
0.000 0.334 0.667 1.001 1.334 1.667 2.001 2.335 2.668 3.002 3.335 3.669 4.002 4.335 4.669 5.002 5.336 5.670 6.003 6.337
0.000000002856 0.000000017557 0.000000037736 0.000000020320 0.000000021965 0.000000023330 -0.000000013747 0.000000010263 0.000000020007 0.000000009153 -0.000000000741 0.000000017542 -0.000000045036 0.000000025347 0.000000016076 0.000000027965 0.000000006140 0.000000017494 -0.000000038111 0.000000014241
-0.000000007400 0.000000018625 -0.000000035700 -0.000000063571 -0.000000009480 -0.000000001345 0.000000036373 0.000000015631 0.000000012662 0.000000019751 0.000000009818 0.000000016350 0.000000005846 0.000000001261 0.000000002734 0.000000020664 -0.000000001418 0.000000027251 -0.000000040036 0.000000023169
-0.000000002272 0.000000018091 0.000000001018 -0.000000021625 0.000000006242 0.000000010993 0.000000011313 0.000000012947 0.000000016334 0.000000014452 0.000000004538 0.000000016946 -0.000000019595 0.000000013304 0.000000009405 0.000000024315 0.000000002361 0.000000022372 -0.000000039073 0.000000018705

I can also change the structure a bit, but I cannot create my .txt files alreday transposed.

Short EDIT: I accidently made this post in the ORIGIN C forum, but I just use the normal origin software. SO to clarifiy I would like to know what settings I can make that my problem is solved :)

I really appreciate the help.

Best regards

Edited by - steffen31415 on 03/20/2025 07:44:26 AM


182 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2025 :  10:15:04 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

I copied your data on to my clipboard and used Data>Import from File>Import Wizard. I selected clipboard as the Data Source and went through the dialog with all the default settings and was able to import all 5 names and units.

I then highlighted the data and used Worksheet>Transpose and unchecked 'Exchange Label with Data' and clicked 'Ok.

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