We have a Peak Analyzer in Origin 8 that can help you to detect the peaks in spectrum data. This tool provides more advanced methods in peak picking. To use this tool, please make sure that you have upgraded to SR2. (Please select Help: About Origin in the main menu to check your version.)
Hightlight the input data. Then selecting Analysis: Peaks and Baseline: Peak Analyzer from the main menu will open the tool. On the first page, select the Find Peaks radio button in the Goal group. Then the tool will guide you through baseline creation, baseline treatment and peak finding. You can use the buttons in the center of the dialog or the page icons in the upper panel to navigate among the pages in the Peak Analyzer.
If you have any questions/comments/suggestions regarding this tool, please tell us.
The peak analyzer seems to be a more robust replacement for pick peaks, but there are certainly situations where the streamlined pick peaks tool is preferable. I tried running the old pickpeaks.ogs from v7.5 file through the script window in v.8 but it doesn't work.
I am still using v7.5 more often than v8 (still learning). Unfortunately the addition of the multiple sheets within a single worksheet (while beneficial) makes the opj files incompatible. v7.5 will only see the last sheet in a worksheet (although the data in other sheets does still exists).