I'm using origin 8.0 on Vista and I need to do multiple comparison of dataset having different sampling frequency. For example I have a set of data where the sampling period is 10 ms and the other is 1 s and I need to do correlation between the 2. From what I understand the correlate function works on dataset having the same sampling frequency (please correct if I'm wrong?). So I want to decimate my data with 10 ms sampling into a 1 s set. I understand that to prevent aliasing I need to filter those data before doing the decimation, but then how to the decimation? How to keep 1 sample every 100 ?
I've never used those functions and the link your pointing to is poorly done to be really usefull for me: no real example, so useless for me that never worked with such kind of functions.
You can type "reduce -d" in command window and press enter, then the dialog for reduce X-function will be opened. You can use the dialog to select data and set options.