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I was wondering if anyone can help me. I have a small data set of normalised values and the S.E.M, which i'm trying to plot a fitted exponential decay (first order). However, when i go to generate the fit an error message occurs saying "parameters are not properly initialized". This fitting worked fine on a same sized data set a few weeks ago and i just can't get my head around the problem (it's been a few days). I'm quite new to origin with no knowledge computer coding, so if anyone can give me a idiots guide to solve this problem it would be of much help.
Below is the data set i'm trying to plot to get a nice graph, r2 value and the y= A1 *exp (-x/t1) + y0 equation
In Origin 8.0, the built-in function named as ExpDec1 is exactly waht you want. Use the built-in function, do the Nonliear curve fitting with weight, please see the following pages: