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 Compare two regression lines
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Posted - 04/02/2009 :  4:45:56 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Win XP pro

I want to know how to compare two regression lines. For examples,
if I have two different linear curves or non-linear cuvres having different sloles, How can i compare two regression line are different statistically.
Second question is what is the differences between compareing two regression lines and comparing two datasets, which is provided in the OriginPro.



1379 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2009 :  5:03:40 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Origin 8 Pro offers both Compare Datasets and Compare Models under the Analysis : Fitting menu.

Compare Datasets is used when you have two different datasets that have been fit with the same function.

Compare Models is used when you have one dataset that has been fit with two different functions.

The Report Tree Browser dialog that opens when you click the Browse buttons next to Fit Result1 and Fit Result2 automatically restrict your selection to those results that meet the above criteria.
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Posted - 04/02/2009 :  5:30:50 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thank you for your quick response.
Actually, My question was how two regression lines were statistically different.
making it more clear, If I have two different regression curves from the corresponding group, how can i test two regression lines or curves are statitically different?
In general, we can use dummy variables to compare two regression lines using following equation Y= (0+1)+(1+2)x.
Is there any kind of statistical test from OriginPro.

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Posted - 04/03/2009 :  03:37:00 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You have two different regression lines, that means you have fit source data with different model?

If so, you can use Compare Model tool, which Greg inidicated above.

1. Fit the data with different model first, You have two report sheet.
2. Select Analysis:Fitting:Compare Models

You can refer to this page on detail steps to Compare Model tool.

But if you have different source data, want to know whether two datasets are significantly different from each other for the same fitting model. You should use Compare Dataset tool,

1. Fit the datasets with first, You have two report sheet.
2. Select Analysis:Fitting:Compare Dataset

You can refer to this page on detail steps to Compare Dataset tool.

However, if you have different source data and want to know whether the slope estimation is different between datasets. Sorry that Origin did not support it yet
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