Hi Kurt,
Origin8.0/8.1's fitting routine is updated to use a new procedure so that the old nlsf.xxx object is no longer available in the new fitting.
We introduce a new object matching Origin8's fitting tool, see some documentaions and examples:
As you can notice, chiSqr quantity can be accessed through for example tt.chisqr
However, we are sorry that Covariance Matrix is missed in Origin8, we will try to fix the getnlr tool to receive the matrix data for the next release.
After fix, you should be able to access it using for example tt.covar(i,j)
Currently, there is a workaround to access those values, a similar but rather complicated tool, getresults:
On the other hand, we introduce several reserved strings refering to the last fitting output:
For example:
__Report$: hierarchical report sheet;
__FitCurve$: fitted curve data sheet;
__Residual$: residual data sheet;
You can access them in the "After Fitting" script.
Specific to your case, following scripts can help:
getresults tr:=mytree iw:=__REPORT$;
// Before accessing such values, you should make sure the report sheet contains the data.
// For example, you should check Advanced page - Quantities tyo Compute - Covariance Matrix chekcbox to output the matrix data into the report sheet.
// mytree.=; can show all the contents of the tree
type $(mytree.RegStats.c1.ReducedChiSq);
type $(mytree.Covariance.Covariance1.col0.row0);
And after the fix, a simpler script can be used:
getnlr tr:=mytree iw:=__REPORT$;
// mytree.=; can show all the contents of the tree
type $(mytree.chisq);
type $(mytree.Covar[1,1]);
OriginLab Technical Support