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Posted - 01/29/2010 :  10:49:47 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. 7.5 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: XP

Dear all,

I was wondering if I could obtain a way of extracting predetermined info from the header of datafiles I import, e.g. temperature.
As far as I know it cannot be done in the import wizard). I would like to extract e.g. the sample number, time, temp that is written in the gheader of a text and insert it into the coloun info.
Can this be done somehow? Script?
One of my datastructure look like:

Sample NAME, 26.11.2009, 18:16
Diameter[mm] 2.000e+01 Thickness[mm] 1.000e-01 Spacer Capacity[pF] 0.000e+00 Spacer Area[mm^2] 0.000e+00
Fixed value(s) : Temp. [K]=323.157 AC Volt [Vrms]=1.00
Freq. [Hz] Eps' Eps'' Tan(Delta) M Temp [K]
1.0000e+07 2.3932e+00 -3.1477e-02 -1.3153e-02 3.2323e+02

Could I - in a way analogous to grep/awk in UNIX extract the number after "Temp. [K]=" and paste it into the header of one column with name "B"?

Thank you very much in advance- I would be very grateful for answers.


1378 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2010 :  5:32:59 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
The Import Wizard has four different methods of extracting header variables (including writing your own OriginC function), but the more ad-hoc your header information is, the less likely one of the methods will be able to do what you want.

In your case a script at the end of the import filter may be the best approach. The complete Header is stored in the %Z String Register after the import and you can use LabTalk substring notation to get the information you need. To illustrate:

%A = %[%Z,@3]; // Get the third line of the header
%A = %[%A,>'=']; // Get the text after the first '='
%A = %[%A,' ']; // Get the text up to the first space
// Now that we have the temperature in %A, put it in the 'B' column
wks.col$(colnum(B)).label$ = %A;

Of course 8.0 users can make better use of this ..
wks.userparam1$ = Temperature; // Create a header row
wks.userparam1 = 1; // Show it
col(B)[Temperature]$ = %A;
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