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Posted - 02/27/2010 :  1:27:31 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hi folks

I need your help regarding one thing:

When labeling each trace of a X;Y graph, it is often the case that two labels are superimposed due to points very close each other. I tried to separate them and to place each label at an appropriate location but I do not find this trick yet.
Could you help me in this task, please?

Also, is it possible to associate to a label a arrow which points to the dedicated curve? Of course, when moving the label, the location of the arrow has to update as well!

thanks for your support

Best regards


Note 1: I would like to join an example but it seems not possible
Note 2: I am using Origin 8


439 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2010 :  03:28:27 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

A new feature of editing single label has been introduced in Origin 8.1. By clicking twice on a label, you can edit this single label, including drag it to a desired position. You can download our demo to have a try:

To add a label with an arrow which can update automatically, you can use Annotation tool to add an annotation to the data point. Then right click on the line connecting between text box and data point and select Properties from the context menu. In the Object Properties dialog open, select Arrow tab and select an arrow shape for Begin. Double click on the text box to edit it.
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