Hi Lenneke,
Do you mean something like the Graph Browser in the merging graph tool? If so, you can use the following code to bring up this browser for use.
void select_graphs()
string strGraphs;
open_page_preview_list_dlg(GetWindow(), strGraphs); // bring up the Graph Browser dialog
printf("The selected graphs:\n%s\n", strGraphs); // names of the selected graphs
// separate each graph
vector<string> vsGraphs;
int nRet = strGraphs.GetTokens( vsGraphs, STR_PAGE_LIST_SEPARATOR);
if(nRet > 0)
for(int iGraph = 0; iGraph<vsGraphs.GetSize(); iGraph++)
printf("The graph %d is: %s\n", iGraph+1, vsGraphs[iGraph]);
OriginLab Technical Services