I'm new to programming in Origin and I was wondering if I could get some help. Does anyone know if there is a way to change the scaling factor of a certain part of a graph? The data that comes up in under the plot details under layer1 is the following:
[GRAPHENEDATA]Sheeet1!"Hex Intensities"(S),"value(2N+M)/2"(X),"vale-M"(Y)[1*.41*]
The scaling factor value I want to change is on the tab over under symbol. I want to be able to write the code for this change into the code that runs when the Origin file is created when the data is collected.
Also, I was hoping that it may be simple to export all of the worksheets as excel files in the same way that the graphs are exported as bmp images. Iv'e attempted writing some code but it just becomes instantly riddled with errors.
Any help is much appreciated.
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): SR6 Operating System: Windows XP |