You can follow the steps below.
1. Create the graph window with your template. The window command can be used.
2. Loop all workbooks in the project to add plot to the corresponding layer of the newly create graph.
2.1 Get the worksheet name by using layer object and define the data range for plotting.
2.2 Get the prefix and suffix of the worksheet name for deciding which row the data will plot. Many methods are provided for handling with string object.
2.3 Activate the corresponding layer and add plot to it, then rescale the layer.
The following code may be helpful.
win -t p temp.otp MyPlot; // create a graph window using template
doc -e W // loop all workbook in the project
string strName$ = layer.name$; // get the worksheet name
range rr = 1!col(2); // data range of column 2
string strPrefix$ = strName.Left(3)$; // get the prefix of worksheet name
string strSuffix$ = strName.Right(1)$; // get the suffix of worksheet name
int nActive = %(strSuffix$); // convert suffix to integer
if(strPrefix$ == "XYZ") // if prefix is XYZ, plot in the second row
nActive += 3;
win -a MyPlot; // activate the graph window
page.active = nActive; // activate the layer for plot
layer.include(rr); // plot in the active layer
layer -a; // rescale the layer