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 Using range as string to acces different sheet
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Posted - 06/23/2010 :  11:22:23 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hey I have one book with one sheet in it. in that sheet there is an column with different ID numbers in them. I try to use the "set values" on another column, and would like to use the given ID to acces another sheet with that ID as a name.

My try was something like this:

range cc = [Book2]Sheet1!Col(D1);

string ttt$ = "cc";

range test = [ttt$]ttt$!;
NumberOfRows = test.nRows/test.nCols;

double A = 0;

for(ii = 1; ii <= NumberOfRows; ii++)
A = A + ID23017_A[ii];

A = A/NumberOfRows;

If i change the line

string ttt$ = "cc";


string ttt$ = "ID23017";

it works (ID23017 is one of the correct IDs)


404 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2010 :  12:31:14 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
string ttt$ = "cc";

After running the above assignment statement, if you check the value of ttt$ you'd see it holds the string "cc".

If you wanted it to return "[Book2]Sheet1!Col(D1)" then you'd use the following:

string ttt$ = %(cc);

but I think when you say the column has an ID that you mean the ID is the Long Name?

so what you really want is the following:

range cc = [Book2]Sheet1!Col(D1);
string ttt$ = cc[L]$;

Also when you use the ID23017_A notation, you could replace that with range notation too. Create a range variable that is the A column in the ID23017 sheet and then use that. For example:

range rr = [SomeBook]ID23017!col(A);
A = A + rr[ii];

By the way, replace "A = A + rr[ii];" with "A+=rr[ii];". This shorthand notation will also result in a speedier calculation.

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Posted - 06/24/2010 :  02:36:36 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I still get an expression error, with both methods. How do i check what is in the ttt string. I'm programming in the Set values - Before formula scripts window.

ps. Are there a better place to be programming these things?
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