my data is stored in a txt-file like this:
1 1 3.4
1 2 34.3
1 3 34
2 1 33
2 2 343
The first 2 columns are my x and y-axes. The last column stores the actual value.
I'm trying to get a 3D bar graph from this data. I managed to convert the data to a matrix:
string path$ = "C:\";
findfiles ext:=test.dat;
worksheet -s 3;
mat.wksname$ = %H;
mat.xcol = 1;
mat.ycol = 2;
mat.zcol = 3;
//Create a new matrix
win -t mat;
mat.matname$ = %H;
//Convert the XYZ data to a matrix
Is this right? And how do I get a 3d bar plot from this? I really read quite a lot about plotting but I found nothing about that.
Can you help me?