Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Pro 8.1G SR3 Operating System: Win 7
Hello :)
Is there a way to tell Origin to use all my cores of my multicore Computer? I have an Intel Core I7 and it only uses one of eight, so saving takes a long time.
And if not, is there a way to immediately switch all "Auto-Calculation" to "manual calculation"? Because I hope that this could speed up the whole Saving process.
If saving a file took 15 minutes, then something must be wrong.
Do you mind send us the OPJ then we can have a test? If your file is large, you can also upload the file to our FTP Server, and email us the file name and refer to this post.
Concerning the autocalculation: Have you tried to switch off the 'Auto update' option before saving? Hint: Activate the toolbar (<Ctrl><T>) 'Automatisch aktualisieren'. With this button you can quickly and easily turn on/off the recalculation automatism... BTW: I do have similar issues when accessing across network/network drive. Saving locally and then copying is the faster way...
I have to be more precise saving takes 22 minutes... Even with the deactivation of the auto update. I save to my own hard drive in my PC. The problem must be the bad usage of my multicore processor. Is there are way to fix that?