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 Help with contouring
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Posted - 08/28/2010 :  07:19:52 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Hi guys, I am trying to create a contour plot from some geological data. The z axis is the data I wish to contour up (ranges between 10 - 40), the y axis is the interval (100 units) at which the data is recorded and the x axis is a depth axis which for simplicity sake I've kept constant and assigned some arbitrary meaningless value.

I have managed to create this in excel but it looks kind of scruffy. i was playing around with originlab since it has a contouring function and wanted to see if it could generate something similar to this.

I tried both the matrix and xyz plotting methods but can't get the X axis to display how it in is excel.

If anyone has any ideas, shout out...i'd really appreciate it!!


60 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2010 :  08:27:13 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You can try to add a layer which is linked by size but not with the axis scaling. Turn off all unused items for this layer (data e.g.). Then you can label the axis in the second layer using a dataset...
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Posted - 08/28/2010 :  09:02:30 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I forgot to mention that everytime I try to plot the graph it takes up the values of the X - axis. This is not required since the values are meaningless and as such they are just a reference.

I'll try the link option, in the meantime though I would appreciate it if you could put down a quick workflow since I am really new to OriginLab and not yet thoroughly familiar with the user interface.

I have XYZ data.

Appreciate all the help!!

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