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35 Posts

Posted - 09/14/2010 :  11:43:13 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.1 SR3
Operating System: XP

I'm new to the world of programming with Origin and the way the compiler debugs is very different from the compiler I used while working with C++. If anyone could explain how to use it in more simpler terms that would be great. I've read the help file and I'm still confused on how sections work and how the breakpoints work as well. I put the sections in my code but it says "Select a section to execute" even though my cursor is on the section in the script. I also can never get the program to stop at any of the breakpoints. I am working with LabTalk scripts not .C files. I don't know if that changes anything, I don't think it would but just in case.

Thank you for your help.



Posted - 09/30/2010 :  05:21:08 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Here is help about how to run and debug LabTalk script.

Basically, you need to create an OGS file, and you should have sections if you want to debug it in code builder. Then, press F9 to place a break point, and in command window, type run.section(OGSFileName, SectionName) to run the script.

Here is an example, see the place I highlighted:

I am not sure what you did and why you cannot stop. Please provide more information then we can have a look.

OriginLab Technical Services

Edited by - larry_lan on 09/30/2010 05:21:52 AM
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