Origin Ver.8.1 and Service Release 3: Operating System: Windows XP
It seems a simple question. How can I draw a vertical line with labtalk when the x-axis is with date data? Example: Draw the vertical line at July 31, 2002. draw -l -v 31.07.2002 does not work. I was not really surprised but I assume there is a simple way to do it.
Thanks for the reply. It works but after a small adaptation. For any reason my Origin has the "DD/MM/YYYY" format as default - not as described in the help file. So, it is advisable to use always a format specifier when dealing with dates: date(7/31/2002,1) date(31/7/2002,2) or even date(31.07.2002,"dd/MM/yyyy") but not date(7/31/2002) this does not fit to my default handling.