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 Date Change Function
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LabTalk user

35 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2010 :  11:47:11 AM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.1 SR3
Operating System: Windows XP

I have been tasked with writing a function which accepts a date in the form JAN01, 2011 and then adds x number of months to said date. I've been trying to think of ways to do this and my brain hasn't come up with anything. If anyone has any ideas that would be great.



1379 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2010 :  6:04:28 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Days would be easy:

string str$ = "JAN01,2011"; // Input the date
str.replace(',',' '); // Replace ','
jdn = date(%(str$),"MMMdd yyyy"); // Find the julian day number
jdn += 365; // Add 365 days
str$ = $(jdn,D0); // Get the new date as a string
ty str$; // Output the new date

Our date( ) function cannot handle ',' so I replaced ',' with ' '.
Since the date function returns days, it's easy to add days and get the date string.

The problem is : What exactly is a month?
The answer depends on which month(s) we are talking about.
This problem is compounded by leap years.

If you literally only care about months, then this does it:
string str$ = "JAN28,1986";
addmonths = 264;
str.replace(',',' ');
jdn = date(%(str$),"MMMdd yyyy");
day = day(jdn,2); // Get the day of the month
month = month(jdn); // Get the month
year = year(jdn); // Get the year
addyears = int(addmonths/12); // Find the number of years added
addmonths = mod(addmonths,12); // And remaining months to add
newjdn = date($(month+addmonths)/$(day)/$(year+addyears));
str$ = $(newjdn,D0);
ty str$;
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LabTalk user

35 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2010 :  6:57:03 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
That is exactly what I was looking for. I can take your first example and tailor it to exactly what I need. Thank you so much for the help.

Thanks again!
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