Hi all, I'm doing an ELISA and can't find the functions to do the final calculations in origin. I have the absorptions for a standard curve and then I have the absorptions of several samples that I'm trying to calculate the protein concentrations of using that standard curve. Along with the protein concentrations for those samples, I'm trying to find the EC50 of the standard curve. If someone has done this or something similar, can you let me know the steps you took? Thanks
Do you mean that you want to do fitting and calculate the EC50?
Origin offers several built-in growth/sigmodial functions with derived parameters like EC50, EC20 or IC50, such as DoseResp function and Logistic function. You can find more such function in the Growth/Sigmodial category in the Fitting Function Organizer. Besides, you can define user-defined function and enter the EC50 formula in the Derived Parameter box in Fitting Function Organizer.
How to calculate EC50 in dose response fitting, please refer to this page.