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 Contour plots with same scale
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17 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2011 :  6:49:58 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.1 SR1
Operating System: Win XP


I have the following problem, which should be easy to solve (hopefully):

I have several matrixes, and want to plot them all in ONE graph. Consequently, I have several datasets in this graph (all in the same layer).
How can I make the color map / contour settings all the same for all datasets (similar to grouping datasets in normal XY graphs)?
An example: If I change the scaling for one set, the other sets still remain in the old scaling. Is there any solution better than manually adjusting all scalings?

Thanks for any help,


1379 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2011 :  12:26:50 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Your version requires you to edit each surface colormap.

In 8.5, you can save a colormap as a Theme. If you activate a different matrix, you can Load the colormap theme to that matrix. You can apply the theme to all matrices in a plot by opening the Theme Gallery, selecting the theme on the Graph tab and Applying it to the Current Graph.
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17 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2011 :  2:16:48 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks, Greg.

But do I get it right: If I want to play with scale of the colormap in order to get a nice visualization of ALL Matrices (which are displayed WITHIN THE SAME plot), I have to iteratively change the scale of one matrix, load this map to the other matrices, look at the result, adjust the scale and redo the procedure until I get a satisfying visualization?!

This would be the way to do it, even for 8.5?

As an alternative: Could I somehow combine the matrices in one dataset and treating it as ONE surface plot?
I way to do it is to convert each matrix into XYZ data, copying it into one sheet and plotting a surface plot. I do not like this idea so much because the plot seems to be slower/more hardware intense and I would mix all datasets (matrices) into one datasheet.

Thanks for any further comments/suggestions!
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1965 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2011 :  10:08:40 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Originally posted by premiumxy

Thanks, Greg.

But do I get it right: If I want to play with scale of the colormap in order to get a nice visualization of ALL Matrices (which are displayed WITHIN THE SAME plot), I have to iteratively change the scale of one matrix, load this map to the other matrices, look at the result, adjust the scale and redo the procedure until I get a satisfying visualization?!


Are you trying to come up with a set of levels and associated colors that would represent all of your different matrices nicely? Then yes, one way is to try a particular combination of z levels and colors on all plots, and then try something different etc till you get it to look the way you want it to.

Another way would be to find the min and max of all of your matrices, then take the lowest min, and highest max, and then set up levels over this range and assign colors to one plot, and then use that on all other plots.

So it could be an iterative process to get the right combination of colors and levels to make the graph look good.

Your graph sounds interesting, maybe when you are done with it, paste the image here or send to us so we can consider adding to our graph gallery?

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