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 Analysis template with graphs
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Posted - 04/04/2011 :  12:57:30 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.1 SR1
Operating System: WinXP


I just created an analysis template that imports some data, does some fitting and summarizes some fitted values in one MyResult sheet.

My problem: I additionally would like to display some of the fitted graphs in the result sheet. The goal would be to analyze many data-files automatically and getting a MySummary sheet with the required parameters plus the corresponding graphs.

I tried to copy the graph from the fit-result-sheets, and paste it via "paste link" into MyResult --> Although it works for the individual workbooks, there is no Graph displayed in the MySummary book (only text, "embedded... ")
Other attempts with inserting the graph into the cell via "insert graph..." also failed.

Is there a solution?



30 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2011 :  5:04:47 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
When you say MyResult/MySummary sheet, you mean a worksheet not a report sheet, correct?

If so, try duplicating one of the graphs from the report sheet, and insert the duplicate into your Summary sheet ...

If this also fails, consider uploading your project so we can have a look.

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Posted - 04/12/2011 :  11:39:46 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thank you Vince, and sorry for coming back so late.

1) Yes, by MyResult and MySummary I do indeed mean a worksheet. (although, for me, a report sheet is also a worksheet, with special formating?!)

2) I did not really understand your solution. Who can I DYNAMICALLY "duplicate" a graph from a "Nonlinear Curve Fit" result sheet? With a script?
Maybe in different words, what I want to do:
(a) creation of an analysis template that imports some data, does a certain fit, and summarizes the results in one sheet (MyResults), including a fit-graph and fit-parameters
(b) Using this analysis template for the "batch processing..." mode for multiple data sets, and getting a summary sheet of all data sets, including the fit-parameters AND FIT-GRAPHS.

Sounds easy, but with the graphs, I have problems, as I can not dynamically include them in the MyResults-worksheet.

Does it make sense, what I am saying?
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1965 Posts

Posted - 04/14/2011 :  3:08:39 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Stefan,

The batch processing tool does not currently have this capability of also including graphs from the fit to each dataset/file.

By default the batch tool does not keep all the intermediate results, and if you want the graphs, then the data associated with the graphs need to be there, so you would have to uncheck the "Delete Intermediate Workboook" check box. But even if you uncheck it, currently there is no way in the batch tool to say you want those graphs embedded in your summary sheet.

A programmatic solution may be the only way, where you first perform the batch analysis using the batch tool or x-function, keeping all intermediate results, and then programmatically create your own custom summary sheet by fetching the desired values and embedding the desired graphs using script or Origin C code.

Also do you want the actual graphs in your summary report, or say just images of the graphs? I am asking this to see what solution we could come up with, for future versions.


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Posted - 04/18/2011 :  4:52:07 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Thanks Easwar,

Knowing that it does not work is at least better than searching. In the meantime I found a little workaround... in the analysis template, I embedded the graph via copy and "paste link" into the result sheet of the analysis template

Then, when calling the batch mode, I did (as you said) NOT delete the individual data sheets, on which my analysis was performed. My summary sheet containing all the data of the individual datasheets then contained a column, in which the name of the individual graphs was printed (plus some prefix "embedded:"). I made a little script, which parsed the name of the graph as a string, and then used the command:
insertGraph gname:=stringName$ resizecell:=1 label:=1 cell:=Graphs!Col(E)[ii];

To insert the graphs. Not fully automated and perfect, especially because I would like to do some additional operations (like combining all graphs of one dataset (several fittings were performed and thus graphs created for each data sheet)).

Two come back to your question: For me, having a summary containing graphs is very important for a batch processing tool. And not only the images, but the ability of zooming and editing.

Best regards,

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