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 Origin 7.5 Slow performance in basic functionality
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Posted - 06/01/2011 :  2:37:27 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5885
Operating System: Windows XP Pro, SP3

I am having some performance issues with Origin 7.5 on two separate computers. In each case, Origin takes a very long time to present the dialog box associated with a file operation. Specifically, there are four instances where the performance is painfully slow: 1. Importing an ASCII file (requires the dialog to navigate to the file), 2. Saving (or Save As) a project for the first time (requires the dialog box to navigate to the proper location and specify file name) and 3. Export Page (requires the dialog to specify format and location). 4. Selecting "Open" from the file menu.

The actual act of reading or saving is very quick (for instance, selecting a previously created file from the quick list in the file menu)... it is only the amount of time waiting for the chance to save or read that can take well over a minute.

Other than the importing, saving and exporting, everything seems to be working well and at the proper speed. Large datasets are graphed quickly, previously-created files open quickly and save quickly (as long as I am not doing a Save As...).

Any thoughts? A previous post had a somewhat similar issue and was solved with the installation of a printer driver, but I tried changing my default printer to a different one and saw no improvement. I also unchecked (as suggested in that post) "Set to printer dimensions when creating graphs from this template" in the Format->Page menu. This did not help either.

Any thoughts would be appreciated


1379 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  3:54:38 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
It seems all these issues are related to browsing in your file system. Do other applications have any problem when you use File : Open and browse to similar locations?

The only other possibility is that your current User Files Folder (UFF) is having some access problem. This sometimes happens on newer systems where security settings are higher, but some companies have security settings even higher. If your UFF is NOT in your logged in Documents and Settings folder, then try changing the UFF:

Open Script Window (in the Window menu)
del -path
and press Enter
Answer Yes, close Origin, restart Origin, accept the default UFF.
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Posted - 06/03/2011 :  5:42:31 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Thanks for the tip. I believe that to be the issue. Just after I posted the original topic I disconnected the laptop and went to someplace without network access. It suddenly started working fine. When I went back to the office and had network access, the slow behavior started up.

I believe my user path had been changed to a network share that, for some reason, took a very long time to access from Origin. The network share is where I keep all of my files and exported plots, but I would rather navigate to it each time than to wait over a minute for the dialog window to appear.

Thanks for the reply!! I seem to be cooking now...
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