Origin Ver. 7.03 Operating System:windows XP I am trying to select a few rows from col A and Col C but not B so I can run my user defined Non Linear curve fit. Try and i might the Control+Select doesnt work. Is there anything else that i can do and why is my control+select not working/ Thanks Helga
I haven't check all versions, but at least the latest 8.5.1 can do the Ctrl+Select to select cells in separate columns. So, after version 7.0, the inconvenience has been surely resolved.
Actually Hideo when i open my data Origin pops out a tip which says that i can select non adjacent columns using Control+Select so i am not sure why it doesnt happen!
Sorry, my information was partial. In Origin 7.0, you can Ctrl+Selection FOR COLUMNS, NOT CELLS. I think the message is telling you that you can do the discontinuous selection for columns.