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Hi everyone
I'm trying to plot to Y axis that are corresponding to the same x axis. I can do it with Double Y wizard. But the problem is that the two Y axis has huge unit differences (one in 1000's and the other in less that 10's). The graph only shows the larger scale (left Y) and it squish the right Y to the bottom of the graph (scale diffrence). Is there a way to independently change the scale of the second Y?
I did try the right Y axis's properties approach, but it only changes the axis scale and the graph looks the same.
The double Y axis graph consists of two layers, one corresponding to each Y axis. From your description it sounds like you have plotted both datasets in layer 1, and layer 2 is empty. Use the Plot Setup or Layer Contents dialog to remove the 2nd dataset from layer 1 and move it to layer 2.
You were right. In fact I separated the Y layers in the Plot set up section. I choose the first Y for the first layer and the second Y for the Second Layer.