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 Contour map
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Posted - 10/01/2011 :  3:14:25 PM  Show Profile  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Topic
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5 SR1
Operating System:XP


I would like to limit my contour map, not to expand beyond any of the maximum y-values. As far as I can see the custom boundary-function does not support a free number of points for setting the boundary.
Is there anybody that can help me with a solution for this?

Regards, Bjorn


1379 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2011 :  10:13:27 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
I am not sure what you mean by "maximum y-values".

The Custom Boundary function, available for XYZ Contour plots, expects a pair of columns that specifies the X,Y coordinates of your boundary. These columns must be in the same worksheet as the XYZ Contour plot. As far as I know, there is no limit to the size of these datasets. (I tried a case with 129600 points.)

What problem are you running into?
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Posted - 10/03/2011 :  11:15:07 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Greg,

thanks for Your answere.
My aim is to avoid the triangulation method to map areas that exceeds my measured data, meaning that I need the outer boundaries to strictly follow a line between adjacent Y-values.
So far Ive only managed to set the boundaries using 4 pairs of XY, ie. limited to a 4-corner shape.
You say that is should be possible to set the boundaries according to a much more complex shape using a large set of XY-data?

regards, Bjorn

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1379 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2011 :  4:41:59 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
You cannot avoid the triangulation method when creating XYZ Contour plots. Origin needs to create an internal mesh based on the XYZ values.

If you double-click on your plot and go to the Contouring Info tab, you will see three methods of contouring.

When you use the Data Boundary method, that mesh is based exclusively on the actual datapoints. Origin uses existing points to create a convex perimeter and creates triangles using all XY values.

When you use either of the other methods (Layer Boundary or Custom Boundary), the mesh is created based on the Factor and Smoothing values and the triangles do not go through your data points. When you choose Layer, the boundary is the layer edges; when you choose Custom, the boundary is defined by your added X and Y boundary data. The Custom Boundary data can be any size, but the mesh will be controlled by bounding data and the factor and smoothing settings.

Here is some script to demonstrate:
wks.col3.type = 6;
wo -s 3 0 3 0;
wo -a 2;
Copy the script and paste into the Command Window and press Enter.
The graph defaults to using the data boundary. If you double-click on this graph, on the Contouring Info tab you can choose Custom Boundary and select Col(D) for the Boundary X Data and Col(E) for the Boundary Y Data to display the contour with a circular boundary. In this case, the bounding data has more points (360) than the original data (100).
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Posted - 10/04/2011 :  3:37:37 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi Greg,

thanks for Your help, now Ive got it working!

regards, Bjorn
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 12/07/2013 :  8:54:02 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi there,

I am working on a similar contour plot and I am trying to add a custom boundary on my data which plots oxygen levels in a pond over time. I just want to set the y axis (which is actually the x axis because I flipped the axes over) so that it follows the contours of the maximum pond depth for each month because the water levels fluctuate quite a lot. I have added an image to give you an idea what is going on...

I have watched the online tutorial but I am not sure if I can do this with dates... I am following the tutorial exactly. Please could anyone suggest what I am doing wrong or even better - a solution!
Many thanks...
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497 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2013 :  3:55:27 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi, Helen

I tried with some random data and cannot see any problems.
Would you mind send us your opj file with some more detailed description?

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 01/18/2014 :  03:20:46 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi there,
Sorry for delayed response. I have been away over the winter. I will send over the file now. Having watched the tutorial again I believe that my question is that for this data what would you put as X2 and Y2? At the moment there is a straight line between 04 April 2010 and June 2012 but I am trying to put a more varied depth in between the two points - e.g. 150 cm on 13th May 2010 and 120 on 20th June etc.
Many thanks
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 01/20/2014 :  7:17:22 PM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply
Hi there!
I can't work out how to send over my data but I've laid it out like th temp map of the USA and followed the instructions but I still can't get a more varied boundary on the right hand side of the chart.
Any thoughts on where my problem lies - I would be very grateful!
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497 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2014 :  09:32:42 AM  Show Profile  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Delete Reply

Please take a look at our build-in example project "2D and Contour Graphs", "Contour" sheet, USA mean temperature contour graph.

It uses a custom boundary for US map shape.


Edited by - lkb0221 on 01/31/2014 09:34:02 AM
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