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 Change legend's information's

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joss31 Posted - 05/05/2014 : 10:18:34 AM
Hi everybody,

I started to use Labtalk on Origin 6.1 one month ago. And I need some help again. Thanks to other topic and information on internet I can do lots of thing.
But I want to changze the name of the legend he call all of my curves "VALUE", because I use the colonne "VALUE" for plot curve (you see it in red in the picure).
I use this method for plot evry curve:
win -a %O;
layer -a;

But i need to take the number of every worksheet and put it as a legend (you can see it in purple in the picture).
I don't create this number randomly, I read the 74th and 76th character in the %A, when I import my ASCII Code.

So, if somebody have an idea it could be great but I use an old version of origin (6.1) .

Thank you for you're attention.
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joss31 Posted - 05/09/2014 : 03:58:17 AM
Thank you I found a solution like I need.
greg Posted - 05/08/2014 : 10:47:39 AM
Given my explanation of how the Legend works you should be able to figure out your own solution. Search the Help file for Legend if you need to create a custom Legend.
joss31 Posted - 05/06/2014 : 10:39:30 AM
But in this case you suppose, that you know the document, or I want something that it works for every documents than I import.
Beacause I don't know if it's the heap 2151 or 2548 and if it's my block number 004 or my block 360.

You understand my problem?
greg Posted - 05/06/2014 : 10:11:28 AM
Origin 6.1 uses this behavior in creating Legend text:
If there is no Column Label information, use Column Name.
If there is Column Label information, use that.
If there is a second line of Column Label information, add it in parentheses.

HEAP2151004!wks.col4.label$ = 004; // One line label
HEAP2151003!wks.col4.label$ = 003
from filename; // Two line label

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