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 Hilbert transform seems to have corrupted...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
woodster Posted - 06/16/2014 : 1:30:03 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release: 9.1.0 (64-bit) Sr1 b237
Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit

I have been playing around with Labtalk to read in a group of files, sort them a bit, perform a hilbert transform on the data and put this into a new book, and then find the magnitude of the transforms and put this into a further new book.

All was going rather well, but then I saved the .ogs file, ran it again and suddenly the Hilbert transform gets locked in an endless loop where it continually creates new worksheets in one workbook until I press escape! I can't even run a simple Hilbert transform on ANY data now, whether I start a new workspace, new origin file, restart the computer...

Is there a way to restore things? Or is it a re-install and fingers crossed job?

Thanks in anticipation.
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woodster Posted - 06/17/2014 : 07:32:10 AM
I tried rebuilding - no errors. I tried clearing the OCTemp folder anyway and it didn't help.

I have finally bypassed the problem (I wouldn't say 'solved' as I don't know what happened) by uninstalling and reinstalling Origin.

Thank you for your help anyway. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again!
lkb0221 Posted - 06/16/2014 : 5:37:24 PM

Can you open code builder and re-build all to see if there is any error messages?
And try the following webpage:

BTW, your User Files Folder is located in a local disk, right?

woodster Posted - 06/16/2014 : 5:27:36 PM

sorry no - to clarify I can run the HT from the GUI without issue. I have also since copied my script text onto a different computer and it works perfectly. The problem is, the computer on which it is getting stuck is the one I really need it to run on!

lkb0221 Posted - 06/16/2014 : 2:02:39 PM

This happens only when you run your scripts? Or everytime you do a Hilbert transform, no matter form GUI and script?


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