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 Remove Duplicates from a matrix

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Pls_help_me Posted - 07/04/2014 : 03:28:26 AM
I try to find all unique values in a Matrix (ranged from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 15)filled with RGB values.
As a second step i try to count how often which of these values is present in the matrix.
Is there a possibility to do this?
I fear that i don't even have any suggestion in order how to start working on this problem since I am new to LabTalk and just starting to work with it.

Thanks for your replies in advance.

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.1.0G Sr2
Operating System: Win7

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Kathy_Wang Posted - 07/08/2014 : 05:53:26 AM
You should first loop over all the image files and import into separate matrix books, and then loop over all matrix books to do the calculation.

Here is an example to Import Multiple Images to Matrix Book <>.

And after that, you will have several matrix books in your Origin project file, and then you could use "doc -e M" to loop over all matrix books (see the help file

So would be something like:

doc -e M
    // put the script you want to execute for every matrix here

Pls_help_me Posted - 07/08/2014 : 04:48:58 AM
Hello Kathy, your method works perfectly for my problem thanks a lot.
The final step for me would be to import multiple images at once and analyse them all at once to get the results in seperat result sheets.
I thought of something like the following but it does not work properly yet. Can you tell me what my mistakes are and how to solve them? I believe that the problem is that in my case I da have several matrix objects. Which is why my method can not work?

newbook mat:=1; //new matrix
impimage; //import of images
matrix -ii 0; //switch to data mode

//loop over all files
for(int iFile = 1; iFile <= fname.GetNumTokens(CRLF); iFile++)
m2w method:=xyz; //converting to worksheet
discfreqs -r 1 irng:=[%H]1!3; //Counts of the seperate values

// three new columns

// set names
col(3)[L]$ = "R";
col(4)[L]$ = "G";
col(5)[L]$ = "B";

// backconversion of worksheet values
csetvalue col:=col(5) formula:="int(col(1)/(256*256))" recalculate:=1;
csetvalue col:=col(4) formula:="int((col(1) - 256 * 256 * col(5))/256)" recalculate:=1;
csetvalue col:=col(3) formula:="col(1)-256*col(4)-256*256*col(5)" recalculate:=1;

Best regards and thank you for your help so far.

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Kathy_Wang Posted - 07/07/2014 : 11:42:09 PM
The conversion from RGB to the numeric data is done following this relationship:

converted value = R + 256 * G + 256 * 256 * B

Based on this relationship it is possible to convert the numeric data back to R, G, B. So the script sample could be extended to something like:

// Need to activate the matrix book
m2w method:=xyz;
// Need to make sure the converted worksheet data is activated
discfreqs -r 1 irng:=[%H]1!3

// Add three new columns to result sheet

// Set the column long names
col(3)[L]$ = "R";
col(4)[L]$ = "G";
col(5)[L]$ = "B";

// Apply equation to each column to calculate R/G/B value respectively
csetvalue col:=col(5) formula:="int(col(1)/(256*256))" recalculate:=1;
csetvalue col:=col(4) formula:="int((col(1) - 256 * 256 * col(5))/256)" recalculate:=1;
csetvalue col:=col(3) formula:="col(1)-256*col(4)-256*256*col(5)" recalculate:=1;

Note that the csetvalue x-function<> is used to set a formula for a column, and the int() function<> is used to get the integer part of a float number.

Pls_help_me Posted - 07/07/2014 : 10:41:14 AM
Hello and thanks a lot for your reply.
Your suggsted method works perfectly except for the problem that the conversion from matrix to workbook messes with my RGB values. So in the end i get my unique numbers with the correct count.
So i have to find out which RGB-value belongs to which converted number.
Is there a way to find out how the conversion works exactly so i can figure out how to calculate the original RGB-value based on the converted values?

Best regards and thank you for your time

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Kathy_Wang Posted - 07/07/2014 : 03:05:17 AM

I think you could try this approach, that is first convert the matrix into XYZ worksheet data using m2w x-function, and then use the "Discrete Frequency" tool (discfreqs x-function) to calculate the count on Z column (will be the RGB values presented in matrix)

So an example of the script would be:

// Need to activate the matrix book
m2w method:=xyz;
// Need to make sure the converted worksheet data is activated
discfreqs irng:=[%H]1!3


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