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 Recalculate not working during script

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davedude82 Posted - 07/24/2014 : 11:01:19 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.0 SR1 64-bit
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate

I'm running a simple script where I increase a number and readout the result. Unfortunately, a dependent column won't recalculate until after the script is complete. I have tried run -p au, which gave the error message many times of "Cell(i,j) found i < 0.5". Please help.

The code is:
cell(1,7)=cell(1,7)*2; run -p au;

There is much more code, but this is the beginning and found to be causing the problem.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
davedude82 Posted - 07/25/2014 : 3:27:58 PM
This fixed the error. Thank you so much.
lkb0221 Posted - 07/25/2014 : 10:41:08 AM

Please see the SCV of your col(L), for example the first segment:

Cell(1,8) is col(H)[1] = 4, thus the formula becomes cell(52,7)*(cell(i-4,6)) when i = 1.
You can see the second part causes error, cell(-3,6)

davedude82 Posted - 07/24/2014 : 7:34:16 PM
I really need help with this. I have tried everything that I can think of. I even tried making a new project and using only the most basic of code. Here is the link to my project:

The code that I'm typing is in:

Col(G)[1]=Col(G)[1]*2; run -p au;

This causes an error over and over again that says "Cell(i,j) found i < 0.5"

Please, I'm desperate to get this to work.
davedude82 Posted - 07/24/2014 : 11:54:31 AM
I haven't even started using the loop function yet. As an update, I tried writing in the same code for a new project, and it worked just fine. Unfortunately, when I implement it in the project that I'm working with, it doesn't work at all.
lkb0221 Posted - 07/24/2014 : 11:46:14 AM

I cannot see any error for this two cmds.
The problem must come from somewhere else, like cell(i,j) in a loop.
Please double check your script to see if i would become 0 during the looping.


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