Originally posted by lunchpack
Ok, so I found the problem but no solution:
The problem is, that all different datasets within one layer originate from one and the same column of the same workbook (but different ranges: row 1 to 100, 101 to 200 and so on). Origin names the datasets by WORKBOOKNAME_COLUMNNAME only, so when I loop over all layers I get:
doc -e D {type %c;}
Hence I cannot access the individual datasets. Any ideas to circumvent this problem?
Is there any possibility to give the dataset a name when using x-function plotxy?
plotxy iy:=(1,2) plot:=200 ogl:=[%h]1!;
is plotting a new dataset into layer 1. any chances to manually give that a unique name?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Best regards,
Have a try of Origin C?
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