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 Import datasets with various length

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aredart Posted - 12/02/2015 : 1:57:45 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 2015G Sr2
Operating System: Windows 10


I'm a beginner with Origin C and I need to import some data.
Its one file with multiple datasets of two types (Type A, Type B). There is a main header at the beginning and then a special header for each dataset. All headers and datasets have various lengths and the two types don't have any order.
I would like to put all A-datasets in one workbook. Each dataset should be in its own sheet with a note sheet with the relating header beforehand. Then the same for the B-datasets.
My first problem is, that I could not find a function which generates a new note sheet in the workbook. The only solution I found was an extra note window, but this would be too confusing because of the great number of datasets.
Also, I can not understand how to import datasets with various length. I read all the Import-related topics in the Origin C forum and the programming guide, also I understood how to do a partial import and so on, but not how to handle various header/dataset lenghts.
Maybe there is a function which could find given words in my header and read out the following string/number? I think this would serve best, for all information I need is written down in the header (esp. the length of the dataset).

The headers are of the following type:
# information1: 1000
# information65: Type A
# information344: 23
all with various number of spaces.

Thank you very much for any help!

Edit: Its an ASCII with .xy datatype. Its no problem to import it in general (by typing all parameters by hand); the problem is to automate the process.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SeanMao Posted - 12/03/2015 : 01:31:18 AM

Would you mind sending your data file to with detailed requirements of what you want to do so I can try to code it in Origin C.




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