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 automatic column width

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masterd Posted - 03/13/2006 : 9:23:25 PM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): pro 7.5 sr4
Operating System: 2000 pro

Is there an easy way (ie. script) for automatically adjusting column width by following or similar criteria.

-X column width defined by width of numeric data
-Y column width defined by width of column label

I know i can set fixed column width for all columns but that is not what i want as i get whole heap of white unused space. my Y columns usually contain digits and column label (label wider than numeric data) while my x column contains digits and no label.

I hope that was clear?!


After posting above message i have found this code

loop (ii,1,wks.ncols) {
nn=%[%N]; // width of column name
if(nn<%[%L]) nn=%[%L];
// if label is wider use it instead

the code works fine only if there are labels in all columns. however, in my case every second column has a label and code does the right thing with column that has a label. however, column with no label gets shrank down to couple of milimeters wide literally.

Any chance of modifying above case to suit my situation?



Edited by - masterd on 03/14/2006 12:54:45 AM
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
long123 Posted - 06/26/2015 : 03:39:03 AM
then, the column width can be resized properly by both Origin C function or double click the right border of the column.

jasonzhao Posted - 06/18/2015 : 11:28:38 PM

Would you please illustrate the width you wanted for columns with a screenshot, so we can understand the questions better?

Best regards!
OriginLab Technical Service

Originally posted by long123

I know i can set fixed column width for all columns but that is not what i want as i get whole heap of white unused space. my Y columns usually contain digits and column label (label wider than numeric data) while my x column contains digits and no label.


long123 Posted - 06/17/2015 : 02:36:46 AM

I know i can set fixed column width for all columns but that is not what i want as i get whole heap of white unused space. my Y columns usually contain digits and column label (label wider than numeric data) while my x column contains digits and no label.

jasonzhao Posted - 06/15/2015 : 04:32:36 AM

Would you please tell me your Origin version?
For our current version, Origin 2015, there is no such problem.

Best regards!
OriginLab Technical Service

Originally posted by long123

the code works fine only if there are labels in all columns. however, in my case every second column has a label and code does the right thing with column that has a label


long123 Posted - 06/15/2015 : 04:16:37 AM
the code works fine only if there are labels in all columns. however, in my case every second column has a label and code does the right thing with column that has a label

jasonzhao Posted - 05/27/2015 : 05:04:18 AM

The system variable @RLR control the Resize threshold;
you can run the LabTalk script below in Script Window:

@RLR=1500; //set the threshold to 1500 row

then, the column width can be resized properly by both Origin C function or double click the right border of the column.

Best regards!
OriginLab Technical Service
turbvg Posted - 05/22/2015 : 04:20:09 AM

Sorry for awakening this topic nearly ten years after it was created, but I have a question about the OC code presented here :

I have used the OC code presented here, and it works quite well.
However, there is one little problem that I have encountered : in general, in the data files that I handle, the acquisition is started before the machine, so for the first couple of hundreds rows, the values are quite a lot smaller than in general. So the macro works great for the first rows, but when the values start to climb, the column is too narrow and ##### appears.

I suspect that the SetWidth(-1) function only looks at a certain number of rows to determine the column width. Is there a way to modify this ?


Origin 2015
Windows 7
easwar Posted - 03/16/2006 : 10:55:08 AM

And the following is an OC solution. It is not sensitive to Y columns, but you can add that if desired by looking at colum type.


void set_col_width()
Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
if( !wks ) return;

foreach(Column col in wks.Columns)
// First set width to fit the numbers
int nWidth = col.GetWidth();
// Then check if label exits and get size
string str;
int nLabelSize = str.GetLength();
if( nLabelSize > nWidth )


Mike Buess Posted - 03/14/2006 : 05:41:35 AM
Hi Darko,

You say only your Y columns have labels so this acts only on Y columns...

loop (ii,1,wks.ncols) {
kk=wks.col$(ii).type; // col type: X=4, Y=1, etc.
if(kk==1) {
nn=%[%N]; // width of column name
if(nn<%[%L]) nn=%[%L]; // if label is wider use it instead

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

Edited by - Mike Buess on 03/14/2006 05:43:28 AM

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