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 Does external Python work for Origin (not Pro)?

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ChemistryGuy Posted - 09/11/2021 : 7:49:22 PM
I have recently added "export to Origin" functionality to an existing program, using the OriginPro Python library (see Step 5C in following link for details:

We just want to make sure we inform users correctly as to whether this works with Origin or OriginPro. I only have OriginPro so I cannot test this, and I could not find a definitive answer on the OriginLab website.

Please would you advise me whether the OriginPro library works only with OriginPro or with Origin as well?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpyang Posted - 11/24/2021 : 7:05:24 PM
We are using ticket system now, so please go to the support page

and click the button on the top-right to "Submit a Support Ticket"


ChemistryGuy Posted - 11/24/2021 : 6:02:46 PM
Thank you, that turned out to be exactly the issue - good guess!

To ask a separate question, I was hoping to discuss a matter with OriginLab via email, but I could not find a responsive email address.

Please would you advise me if there is an email address that you would recommend I try contacting? If so, I would really appreciate it.
cpyang Posted - 11/23/2021 : 4:40:44 PM
Maybe the user is using older version of Origin?

ChemistryGuy Posted - 11/23/2021 : 4:05:54 PM
I was hoping to ask a follow up question regarding this.

A user has contacted me, saying that when he tries to use this feature with Origin (not Pro), it fails without giving an error message.

I suggested reinstalling Origin but this did not help. The user is unfamiliar with Python so was not able to run the debugger (the code in question is part of a larger program).

I realise this makes it tricky to diagnose but I wanted to ask, is it possible that there could be an issue with the external Python connection to the non-pro version of Origin? Or is there any code that should be changed when interacting with the non pro version of Origin?
ChemistryGuy Posted - 09/12/2021 : 7:26:09 PM
Thank you for clarifying!
cpyang Posted - 09/12/2021 : 7:03:28 PM
External Python support is the same between Origin and OriginPro, despite the name of the package (originpro).


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