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 plot z=f(x,y)

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originwebber Posted - 12/06/2011 : 5:16:20 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5 SR1
Operating System: win7

Wonder how I can plot z=f(x,y) in Origin. Say x is from 1 to 10(10 points), y is from 1 to 7 (7 points). I set up a worksheet with 3 columns as x,y,z. When I try to convert to matrix using XYZ gridding, says "too few data points for gridding". What did I miss here?
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originwebber Posted - 12/09/2011 : 08:51:04 AM
Got it. Thanks a lot.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 12/07/2011 : 3:41:19 PM

"Mapping" here means you can map the index numbers(1, 2,...) of matrix rows or columns to the X (or Y) coordinates - not the mapping between a worksheet and a matrix. Based on the size of the matrix (number of rows and columns), each matrix cell at the lattice would be automatically determined. So, you need to enter the minimum value of X to the "First Column X", its maximum to the "Last Column X", as well as for Y's. Once you set up the structure of the matrix, you can fill values of matrix cells by Set Values tool with your Z=f(x, y) function.

--Hideo Fujii
originwebber Posted - 12/07/2011 : 10:03:46 AM
Thanks for the quick response. Here is another problem: how to setup XY mapping. I have only one column as X, one column as Y in worksheet. The mapping setup asked first and last column for X. For Y, it asked first and last row.

Also, I want to show original data as X,Y axis scale.

I attached my worksheet and matrix setup screen.

Thank you for the help.

Originally posted by Hideo Fujii


You can set up Z values by Z=f(X, Y) directly into a matrix. First, you can set the dimension and XY mapping (from row/column index) by "Matrix: Set Dimension/Labels" menu. Than you can set the cell values by "Matrix: Set Values" menu using your function of X and Y.
Then, you can plot a 3D plot or a contour plot from the matrix.

Hope I didn't misunderstand your problem.

--Hideo Fujii
OriginLab /br]

Hideo Fujii Posted - 12/06/2011 : 5:34:08 PM

You can set up Z values by Z=f(X, Y) directly into a matrix. First, you can set the dimension and XY mapping (from row/column index) by "Matrix: Set Dimension/Labels" menu. Than you can set the cell values by "Matrix: Set Values" menu using your function of X and Y.
Then, you can plot a 3D plot or a contour plot from the matrix.

Hope I didn't misunderstand your problem.

--Hideo Fujii

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