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 I can nor use "reduce by group" function

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
edwardclhuang Posted - 06/19/2012 : 04:25:36 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8.6.0
Operating System:Win 7

Dear OriginLab

I have two columns of data:

A11 B11
A12 B12
A13 B13
A21 B21
A22 B22

Now I want to reduce them by an average by every 3 points. I try to use "reduce by group" function, but when I select the data, it shows "X coordinates of the curve are not monotonic." How can I do it then?

Thanks for reply in advance.

Chien-Lung Huang
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/20/2012 : 09:31:07 AM
Hi Chien-Lung,

I'm sorry for having missed what you originally said about averaging.

Changing the designation of first column from X to Y has made the "reduce by group" work because, I think, Origin takes the index (i.e., row number, which is, of course a number, and monotonic) as the X dataset (at the left of Y's).

--Hideo Fujii

edwardclhuang Posted - 06/20/2012 : 08:41:04 AM
I upgrade it, but it shows right now "You must have numeric data to run this analysis".

Your suggestion will not work in my case, since I need to average A11+A12+A13. The way you suggest will left A13 after wards.

Anyway, I have successfully done it by a strange way. Initially, I have A(x) and B(y). I set A(x) as A(y), which means I don't have any x-variable in my worksheet. Then it works!!!

Share to other users who might face the same problem and again thank you for the reply.

All the best,

Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/19/2012 : 5:59:21 PM
Hi Chien-Lung Huang,

If you upgrade your Origin 8.6 to its SR3 (by "Check for Updates"), you get a better error message: "You must have numeric data to run this analysis". So, this is the reason literally.

If you simply want to extract the data every 3 points, you can choose "Worksheet: Reduce Rows: menu, and choose "Delete N Rows, then Skip M rows" for the Reduce Method, and set 2 to Delete Rows and 1 to Skip Rows.

Does this solve your problem?

--Hideo Fujii

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