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 2 histogram questions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
984527 Posted - 07/31/2012 : 5:57:00 PM

I'm trying to make some histograms. I'm starting out with a very simple data set (see screenshot), but the rest of my data is a lot more complicated. Anyway, I have two questions.

1) I want to go to the bin worksheet so I can calculate the average height of each bin and its standard deviation, and plot accordingly. However, when I click "Workbook" on the Plot Details tab, that just takes me back to my original worksheet. I looked through my entire project and if there's a new workbook, I'm not finding it. What where?

2) My data is all integers. I want the bin group to be centered above the integer that represents it. For example, in the plot below, I want the two big bin groups to be centered above 2 and 9, rather than 2.5 and 9.5. But Bin Alignment is greyed out in Plot Details. Now what? (If I can find the bin worksheet, I can type in new x-values, etc, but if there's an easier way, I'd appreciate it since it can get finicky doing that for all the other data.)

I'm using OriginPro 8.5 SR1 on Windows 7.
Thank you.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
984527 Posted - 08/03/2012 : 2:28:27 PM
Thank you very much.
Kathy_Wang Posted - 07/31/2012 : 10:38:39 PM

1) To open the bin workbook, you should right click on the graph page and choose "Go to Bin Worksheet" in the context menu, please note that you need to make sure neither the layer and the plot are active(i.e. only the page is active).

2) There is a tricky and easier way to change the bin centers, that in the plot details dialog, uncheck the Automatic Binning and use "0.5" for Bin Begin instead of "1".


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