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 type -a doesn't effect on script window

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
5*10 Posted - 08/01/2012 : 04:36:39 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):8.5.0 SR1
Operating System:WinXP

Dear all,

since this morning I do have a problem with the script window.
I have several script which output status information ito the script window. But since this morning the are not anymore displayed.

This is a pitty.

Do somebody have an idea?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
5*10 Posted - 08/06/2012 : 03:33:16 AM

actually it is a kind of strange.
I do have some scripts with "type -a" commands which work and others do not.
I tried a script like this one

type -a Hello;
type -b test;

The type -a wasn't successful while the type -b was shown normally. The script window was allready open...

At the end I don't care too much even that it is strange. If the solution would be a reinstallation I think I will wait still some weeks, because I'm currently quite bussy.

Cheers 5*10
Hideo Fujii Posted - 08/01/2012 : 1:28:48 PM
Hi 5*10,

Do you mean that though the Script window is already open, "type -a" command doesn't produce the message? Or, when the Script window is closed, and "type -a" command didn't open the Script window anew?

When you open the Script window, if you type the following, dod you get the Hello message?

  type -a Hello;

Does your script contain some operations to change the destination of the output by changing the value of "type.redirection"?

If you run the following two-line code, did you get the message in the Script window?

  type -a Hello;

I'm not sure, and I may be suspecting a wrong place.

--Hideo Fujii

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