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Posted - 04/18/2013 : 06:55:03 AM Origin Ver. 8.5.1 SR2 and Service Release b315 Operating System: Win XP (Used through parallels)
Hi Guys,
I'm very new to origin but am really enjoying what I've managed to do so far but alas I've hit a wall and, even though I'm sure it's basic, I have no idea how to sort it:
I have 64 XYZ sets of data on 2 files. One has 64 times XY on and the other 64 times Z. I've managed to create 2 workbooks with these files, one has 2 columns with the XY data - 64 times (i.e I have columns labelled XYXYXYXY and so on) and another work book with the Z data on - 64 times (i.e columns labelled ZZZZZZ and so on). Heres where it gets interesting:- The XY columns have 1582 rows and the Z columns have 40 (this was a temperature profile with readings taken every 30 secs). So basically every 40 readings of XY have a single reading of Z. I'm looking to put these into one workbook in the format XYZXYZXYZ and so on as to make a waterfall plot, of which I have already inserted a blank column, so I need each value of Z repeated in the column 40 times. I would also like the average temp for each column of Z to be in the header.
Does anyone have any idea where to start?
Thank you for your time,
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 04/19/2013 : 09:14:31 AM Hi,
There are a couple ways you could do this. The fastest way would be to use a script; I realize you're new to Origin, so I'm assuming you aren't familiar with the LabTalk language. Feel free to email your file with the workbooks to and we can work with you to build the script to do this.