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 Graph Animation

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Saziku Posted - 05/24/2013 : 11:10:43 AM
Hi again. I've been on the Origin website, seeing videos on graph animation. I have a list of data with five varisbles: Position of x, y, and z, temperature, and time. Thanks to this forum, I was able to make a 3D scatter plot with each point change color dependent on temperature using colormap. Now, instead of making several hundred 3D graphs at different times, I want to make a graph animation that complies these 3D graphs at different times automatically. I also want to do the same with a ternary contour map that have the same five variables listed above. They should both annimate with time.
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meili_yang Posted - 05/24/2013 : 12:15:37 PM
Yeah, I just realize you might need programming since you have hundreds of graphs.
Try this one. It contains a script example to make 50 frames.

Saziku Posted - 05/24/2013 : 12:09:44 PM
Thank you. That was informal, since when I read the tutorial, there was some confusion on making it frame by frame. But there has to be a faster way. The tutorial showed five frames, but I have 241 frames for two graphs. Do I have to use C programminng, or is there a built-in coommand to helpp me? Thank you for the help.
meili_yang Posted - 05/24/2013 : 11:51:33 AM

Glad we helped.

Try this tutorial first. And let me know if you any questions.


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