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 Histograms and 3D plotting

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
combsdj Posted - 05/26/2013 : 8:36:27 PM

I am working with a data set where I am collecting signal responses at time intervals (every 5 seconds) for 20 minutes across multiple samples.

I have this data in an origin worksheet where the time values are in the the first column as the "x" variable, and the signal values for multiple samples (between 20-40, depending on the experiment) are in 20-40 other columns, as "y" values.

What I would like to do is to create a histogram for each row of data (showing what the signal "population" looks like at each 5 second time point).

Ideally, I would then plot this 2D histogram data (signal vs. frequency) against the time in some kind of 3D graph. I'm thinking a contour surface type plot, where time is on the x-axis, signal is on the y-axis, and the frequency values from the histogram are coded on the z-axis with a heat map.

I suspect I need to create a matrix from the worksheet data and/or from a histogram of the worksheet data, which will then allow me to make the 3d plot. However, so far, when I try and generate histograms from the plot menu, Origin does the histograms down the columns instead of across the rows.

Can you give me any suggestions on how to make the 3D plot I desire?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. My attempts so far have been using Origin 8.1 on Windows 7. I also have access to Origin 9 (student edition) at home on Windows 8.


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JessieWoo Posted - 05/30/2013 : 12:00:13 AM
Hi Dave,

The frequency count function supports processing multiple columns at the same time. You can first select the columns you need then select from menu “Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: Frequency Counts” to open the dialog, the columns will be automatically fill in the Input box. Or you can click the button (icon looks like table with red arrow in it) before the triangle button in the Input section to select the columns in the worksheet.

You can control the bins in the Computation Control section. Uncheck the box before Auto and fill whatever you like.

The frequency counts dialog also can generate the corresponding scripts. All you need to do is that configure the settings in the dialog and click the right-triangle button next to the Dialog Theme box (top-right corner), select “Generate Script” on the context menu. You can refer to the page below for more details of “freqcounts” x-function.

For more information about the frequency counts dialog, please refer to the following page.

Best Regard,
Originlab Corp.
combsdj Posted - 05/29/2013 : 10:01:28 AM

Thanks for your reply.

Regarding the 3D plot, I would like to put the time values on x since each sample is measured at the same time point. I would then put the signal values along y. Then I would put the frequency data along z to indicate how given signal values are populated by the sample members at each point in time. I agree that a matrix seems necessary to do this, but I don't have a lot of experience with Origin matrices.

I tried using the "frequency counts" function, and that definitely gave me the frequency data that I'm looking for, although it would be nice to control the bins.

However, this function seems like it can only process a single column of data at a time. It would be great if I could process the whole set of 20-40 samples (columns) at once, and get the frequency data for each column in a single worksheet, rather than having to run it 20-40 times and generate 20-40 worksheets that I then have to piece back together.

The "2D frequency counts" function doesn't appear to this and instead wants to work with frequency across x and y, rather than multiple independent y columns.

I imagine there's some kind of script based solution to this, but I don't have a lot of experience in that dept.


JessieWoo Posted - 05/28/2013 : 04:27:09 AM
Hi Dave,
Would you please try first transposing data to put the data in columns (copy and paste transpose)? Then you can use the transposed data to perform frequency counts (Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: Frequency Counts).

About the 3D plot, I am not sure what data you are going to put in y axis, as there are multiple y (signal values) for each x (time). So I suggest you create the XYZ datasets (in any form of XYZ columns, virtual matrix, or matrix), then you can use Origin to generate a 3D surface.

If you still have trouble generating the 3D plot, you can send me you data and briefly describe what data you are going to put in XYZ axes or send me a graph sample, so I can see what I can do for you. You can follow the instruction below to send us file.

Best Regard,
Originlab Corp.

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