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 Column/bar position in a column graph

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jordai Posted - 06/11/2013 : 7:46:13 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): v8.6.0
Operating System: Windows

Hi there,

I'm struggling to understand the position of the columns in a column graph. The graph is: distance in X, concentration in Y. There should be 7 columns: 1st from 0 to 180, 2nd from 180 to 215, etc
How I have to introduce the data so I have a whole column covering the length of 0 to 180, the second column the length of 180 to 215, etc? As It is now, it looks like it puts the center of the column centered somewhere but I cannot figure out where and no idea how to make it work.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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greg Posted - 06/12/2013 : 3:59:46 PM
I don't understand what your data looks like, but I can tell you that column plots generally have text as their X data. In this case, the positions of each column are simply a row number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.

If you have real numbers in your X column, Origin will happily plot each column centered on those X values and may or may not overlap the columns depending on the X spacing.

If you have real numbers in your X column, you might also try plotting as a Line plot and using "Step H Center" or "Step Horz" for Line Connect method and set Fill to Normal.

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