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 Perfect fitting of a curve ternary diagram

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micaccael Posted - 06/14/2013 : 09:52:30 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 9.0.0 (64)
Operating System:windows 7

Hi everyone,
I want to make a perfect curve out of some points on a ternary diagram.
Initially i thought that "Analysis>mathematics>average multiple points" was the right path to do that, the problem is that the results is quite different from what i've expected (see link of the picture).

In the picture the curve skip a point...
Do you have any suggestion?
Thank you.

Daldini Michael
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
micaccael Posted - 06/21/2013 : 10:30:17 AM
Easwar, Shirley_GZ,
First at all thank you very much for your attention.
I would like to fit a curve, between the points.
@Shirley_GZ: I tried your method but how you can see in the picture, the black curve is what results. I would like to have a curve like the red one (this is really approximative, it's made using paint).

How can you see in the second picture, for this data the method mathematic>average multiple points worked well (black dots are the analyzed datas and the curve is the one created with the average points).

I think that if i will not find a solution i will draw it with paint ;)

Thank you again for responding me, I appreciate your help.
Best regards,
Daldini Michael
easwar Posted - 06/20/2013 : 12:24:42 PM
Hi Michael,

Looks to me that you want to just create a smoothed-interpolated curve from the data points in your ternary plot, using say spline interpolation?

If this is what you want, then:
1> Go to the worksheet that has the XYZ data for your ternary plot
2> Select the Z column and invoke the menu item: Analysis->Mathematics->XYZ Trace Interpolation
3> In that dialog, specify number of points and the interpolation method
4> The result will be a new set of XYZ columns
5> Click and select the new Z column and drag and drop that column onto your ternary graph - you may need to change plot style to line, for this 2nd data plot


P.S. A colleague pointed out that if are just looking for a smooth curve in the graph for display purposes, and don't need the interpolated numbers, you can do the following instead:
1> Change the original data plot to line+symbol
2> In Plot Details dialog, go to the Line tab and set the line connection style to spline for example.

Shirley_GZ Posted - 06/17/2013 : 06:58:57 AM
Hi Micaccael,

I can't understand you well. Do you want to interpolate or fit a ternary curve? Please tell us more details.

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