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 varying the symbol type in contour graphs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
campag Posted - 06/19/2013 : 10:07:50 AM
I am creating a color-fill contour plot using Origin v 8.5.1(Academic). I can 'show data points' on the contour figure, but they are all the same symbol (filled circles). How do I use different symbols for different subsets of the data (e.g., rows 1-30 circles, rows 31-50 triangles, etc.)?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
campag Posted - 06/19/2013 : 3:31:23 PM
Thanks, but it didn't work. When I follow these directions and try to put in four different symbols (1,2, 3, 4) I get four rows of symbols attached to the X-values. So in other words, it is treating it like an X-Y graph. Am I doing something wrong?
greg Posted - 06/19/2013 : 11:21:52 AM
You have no control over any aspect of the symbols added by checking the "Show Data Points" check box.
Instead, do the following:
Go to your XYZ worksheet and add a column
Select rows 1 to 30 in this column and press Ctrl+Q (to open Set Values)
Enter 2 and click OK
Repeat as needed to enter other values
(1 = Square, 2 = Circle, 3 = Up Triangle, etc.)
Select the Y column in your worksheet
Go to the Contour graph and choose Graph : Add Plot to Layer : Scatter
You should see the scatter points in your graph
Double click on one scatter point to open Plot Details
On the Symbol tab, check "Custom Construction"
In the Shape drop-down list, choose your added column - e.g. Col(D)
Set Size and color as desired
Click OK

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