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 Measure distance between two points

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gydlake2013 Posted - 06/26/2013 : 09:51:52 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 9.0.0(32bit) SR1
Operating System:Winxp


I just changed from Origin 7.5 to OriginPro 9. The previous methods, used in 7.5 for measuring distance, don't work properly in the new version. Is there a built-in function in the new version to do it, or something else suggestions?

Thank you in advance!
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gydlake2013 Posted - 06/28/2013 : 03:13:31 AM
Hello, Greg and Snow Li,

Thank you for the information! Now I can use the two methods: cursors and tool button.
snowli Posted - 06/27/2013 : 11:53:17 AM

Data Info. window will only give dX and dY. No distance will be given. We will discuss if we should improve it for future versions.

We will also discuss with others how to improve this area. (deleting graphic object with script behind it).

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.
greg Posted - 06/27/2013 : 09:50:10 AM
Starting with 8.0 we decided to protect objects with script from accidental deletion. To delete these 'smart' objects, Alt+DoubleClick on the object to open Programming Control. Set the Script, Run After to None and click OK. You can now delete the object.
You can also delete such objects when in Button Edit Mode - on the Edit menu. Remember to turn off Button Edit Mode when done.
gydlake2013 Posted - 06/27/2013 : 03:04:07 AM
Dear Echo Chu,
Thank you very much for your suggestion! Now I can use the cursors to do the task.

Of course, the tool mentioned by Snow Li is easy to use if the bug (the line can not be deleted) can be solved.
Echo_Chu Posted - 06/26/2013 : 11:36:54 PM
hi, John

In Origin 9, I suggest you use data cursor to measure the distance between two points.

You can learn how to do that from the tutorial below

Please note that after you are all set in step 9, you can save the settings as theme, so next time you don't have to do all the steps to set up the difference and cursor1, cursor2 etc
gydlake2013 Posted - 06/26/2013 : 4:47:14 PM
Dear Snow Li,

Thank you for your reply! I installed that tool in both of the versions: it works in 9.0 at the beginning, but the difference compared to 7.5 is that I couldn't delete the two-arrow-red-line when I press the DEL key in 9.0 (there is no such problem in 7.5). Did I do something wrong?

snowli Posted - 06/26/2013 : 11:26:58 AM

Do you mean this tool in our File Exchange?
It works in 9.0 as well.

You can download it and drag and drop it into Origin 9 and start using it right away.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

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